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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Cross Server PVP - It's going to happen(?)


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I hate cross-server pvp. Once they did that in WoW, you suddenly had people running around thinking it was funny to grab the flag but not capture it, and make everyone wait.


So, apparently from Q&A, they will be adding cross server pvp.




Personally, I'm against it. I enjoy being "known" and knowing people from my server. There is a sense of community. I would rather they introduce server merges or transfers before adding cross server queueing. =\ I know it's probably a good thing for low pop servers and maybe I'm selfish, but I can't help but feel it will be a sad day when they introduce it. Yes, there will be an option to turn it off...but think about it. Meh, maybe I'm oldschool.


How do you feel about cross server PVP?

PS: Don't bother responding to how I feel about it, I just want to know how many people actually want it and what their reasons are.

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If this means people can actually get into warzones at offpeak times, then go for it, especially when there's no opposition for the specific warzone you're queuing in to.

Queuing for a specific warzone will result in lack of population in other warzones, let's face it, there are only ever so many people pvping at any one time, split them up and you'll have no one to pvp with/against.

Filling the wz with your own server and fill in the rest with other servers is fine, so long as they fix the warzone win counts for good it won't matter much in the end when people actually get to play and get loot rather than waste time waiting.

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if it prioritises your own server matches first, and any left overs would go cross server then im definitely fine with it.


id probably even stretch to any server as enemy, but definitely would not like to see my team split up between servers. After WoW did this, i never saw any regular faces.

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The whole idea of cross server PvP boggles me as to why some would actually prefer it.


Only ends up in that PvP becomes very anonymous, as to people not actually giving a flying **** regardless if they win/lose kill/die. It´s just some random people that you will never see again. And honestly, do you really care if xxx from xxx server killed you?


As opposed to having server transfers. The PvP community groves, you will gain friends&foes. PvP will become lot more personal. And you really feel like your building your reputation, and not being blatantly anonymous.

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