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What is Star Wars?


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"When I did Star Wars, I consciously set about to recreate myth and the classic mythological motif." -- George Lucas, from the documtary "The Mythology of Star Wars."


"I'm not much of a math and science guy. I spent most of my time in school daydreaming and managed to turn it into a living. When I was making "Star Wars," I wasn't restrained by any kind of science." - George Lucas


"The original film was designed to allow young people to think outside the box. It was designed for 12-year-olds, adolescents, kids who were starting to think outside the box anyway, as a way of saying, 'Let your fantasies run free, because this is the time to do it.' That was one of the original purposes of Star Wars."


Lucas has stated that Star Wars is based on myth and fantasy for decades.

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Remember, forums are for OPINIONS hehehe



While I'm in agreement that Star Wars is Sci-Fi Fantasy (the two can be combined), I got to this point when I realized that the OP is just poking at a bear with a stick. Which bear, I'm not sure, but he's poking it.


Anyone who makes a statement like above is just saying "**** you everybody else! I say what I want!"

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The force. This is exactly what people have been pouting about. It is science fiction here, not mythology or fantasy. Why? Midichlorians. This is how it is. The "force" is a background energy in the universe. Midichlorians just happen to be present to tap into that certain ..field..of the energy to give them the power. Hence, the more midichlorians your body has the more energy you feed off of, energy in this sense being "the force". That is pure science fiction right there. Also, lasers, starships, energy generators, repulsor lifts, moisture evaporators, a lot of things that are science fiction.


No matter if you agree with midichlorians or the story of star wars at all, it is how it was written.


The midi-chloriens are NOT the Force. Midi-chloriens are more like transistors; stuff that helps the Jedi and the Sith communicate with the Force.

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Hi All,


Dropping my size 8 boots into this, I would like to point out that whilst everyone is entitled to an opinion, that does mean an opinion is valid if it contradicts fact.


Star Wars is clearly and undeniably Science Fiction!


It's an easy litmus test.


Does it have any of the following?



Ray Guns


Space Stations

Starship Battles

Advanced technology


If so then it's science fiction.


If many of the elements are left unexplained in terms of current real world understanding of physics, then it is a sun genre of sci-fi known as Space Opera.


Star Wars, Star Trek etc. are clearly Space Opera.


These are facts not opinions.




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The debate between what is science fiction and what is fantasy is very heated, and there really is no solid definition. I can tell you the idea that "fantasy is elves and orcs and dragons" and "science fiction is rayguns and spaceships and aliens" is COMPLETELY 100% FALSE.


The two "best" definitions I've heard, from writer who specialize in both sci-fi and fantasy, are as follows:


1) If a plot requires its science to be told, then it is science fiction.


I find this definition lacking, since as Arthur C. Clarke so brilliantly stated, "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic," leading to the corollaries of "any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced" and, important for this definition, "any sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology." Most science fiction uses technology so far beyond what is even theoretically possibly with our scientific knowledge that it may as well be magic (see "Applied Phlebotinum.")


2) Science fiction is about a society, fantasy is about an individual.


This definition I find more appealing, as it draws a thematic line rather than a technical one. Science Fiction stories are about the ability of the society, the group, the whole to come together, overcome their differences, and achieve something together. Star Trek, Babylon 5 (as much as Sheridan becomes an almost fantasy-like figure eventually), Battlestar Galactica (remake), and Eureka are all excellent examples of the idea of the group working together to overcome adversity. The corollary of this, of course, is that the individual cannot overcome without the support of the group. The individual does not matter, though this idea is frequently dropped in most "pop" sci-fi. In a fantasy story, on the other hand, not only can the individual make a difference, but it is often ONLY ONE SPECIFIC individual who can make a difference. Only Frodo can carry the Ring to Mordor. Only King Arthur can wield Excalibur. Only Harry Potter can destroy Voldemort. Only Luke Skywalker can defeat Darth Vader and the Emperor. Only Neo can save our city.


In this case, Star Wars is totally fantasy, since it revolves around not only the power of the individual, but the idea that only those specific individuals can achieve true change. Yoda could never defeat Sidious because he simply wasn't the Chosen One.


Space Opera isn't even a genre, it's a convenient label for stories with a sci-fi veneer over a fantasy theme, like Star Wars.

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The midi-chloriens are NOT the Force. Midi-chloriens are more like transistors; stuff that helps the Jedi and the Sith communicate with the Force.


i never said anything about them being the force. Stop taking my words and spinning them sir

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You obviously like to get under peoples' skin and have NO idea what true fantasy is..do you..


oh..btw Star Trek has princesses...


oh..btw so does babylon 5, and...and stargate...and...and just about every single thing in a known universe made for enjoyment.


There are a ton of swords in Stargate and Star Trek WITH magic powers to. Does that make it fantasy because there aspects of fantasy? no.


Don't know what fantasy you are in. :p


.... I never said this was true fantasy it is Sci fi Fantasy though.


But please enlighten me what is True Fantasy?

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