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New Hybrid Spec I came up with.


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This is a New Hybrid Spec I came up with for PVP. I am wondering what you all think about it, because it will most certainly help with getting knocked off of ledges on hutball with the presence of Zealous leap.




The whole purpose is to get Zen as quick as possible. Staying on your target with two leaps, and using slash with the increased Crit chance to finish the cool down on Cauterize.


With the amount of CC in this game, you will find yourself casting Resolute quite often. This spec gives you 10% of your health back, along with your Burn heals to help survive when you have a full resolve bar.


Just wondering about thoughts on the build.

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Watchman generates Centering so fast anyway, you really don't need to worry about it. You can probably hit Zen every 15-20 seconds in battle. Missing out on Merciless Slash + 2 ranks of Plasma Blades is a severe problem, as Burns make up your biggest sustained DPS and MS is, really, your only burst.


If you really want to Maximize Slash - an effort that does have some merit - you're much better off putting 3 points into Dual-wield Mastery. I've heard at max level, it's about 100 damage on each swing per point. You'll deal about 25-30% more damage with it.


For your hypothetical Slash-based build, I'd try something like this:




I still don't think I'd like it, as I'd miss Jedi Crusader/Defensive Forms too much, not to mention Immflamation and Focused Pursuit, but this is a Watchman Build that's capable of some nasty burst under ideal conditions. You could probably drop Closed Quarters for one, if you're really just interested in PvP.

Edited by McVade
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I appreciate an honest response as I was initially expecting to be trolled. I'm only lv. 37 at the moment, so I don't know exactly how good Merc Slash really is. I was just playing around with the class and noticed something like this was doable.
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I have been BM for a week now and I leveled mostly in WZ.


I dabbled with a watchman/Focus hybrid similar to yours it wasn't bad and I may try it again as I accumulate more BM gear. I do find over all that force sweep is lacking simply because its so easy to miss.


A few suggestions from experience. I wouldn't put 2 points in quick recovery if you're not willing to get felling blow, singularity or both. Because really you're just going to have a week sweep without them and imo it would not be worth the focus.


I would also skip force fade I found it not to be as useful as I thought it would be. Instead I would put the 2 points into inflammation or close quarters which are superior talents imo.


just my 2 cents. good luck out there!

Edited by Superpescado
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A few suggestions from experience. I wouldn't put 2 points in quick recovery if you're not willing to get felling blow, singularity or both. Because really you're just going to have a week sweep without them and imo it would not be worth the focus....


Worst advice I've seen on the forums in a while. Sweep is nothing to the other two specs, this is true. The beauty of Quick Recovery is the reduced cost on Cyclone Slash.


Combat ends, you still have focus- you can change them into 4 centering each via Cyclone Slash.


Now, if you never even touch PvP, I'd see where the value of that might not be great, but in PvP Quick Recovery is extremely useful,doubly so when you compare it to recompense.

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