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Super noob question about armor


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So im just starting on getting lvl 50 gear. I was just wondering if someone can shed some light on what i should be aiming to get for my scoundrel, ie:rakata vs. anything else lol. Any tips and or pointers is greatly appreciated, im learning just a bit slow though.
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Do the daily quests on Ilum and Belsavis. You get 1 armoring, 1 mod and 1 enhancement per day from these quests, which is enough to socket an orange item completely with level 51 mods. Doing the dailies also gives you commendations, which can be spent on ear and implants, and are best-in-slot for 99% of players. A week of grinding dailies will gear you up plenty to start running hardmode flashpoints.


I recommend hitting Kaon and False Emperor pretty hard, just skip the bonuses bosses. Skipping the bonus, you can clear these pretty fast, and both have a chance to drop a columi piece and a weapon. Collect a few upgrades from doing hardmodes, and save your tionese crystals and commendations to fill in whatever slot won't drop for you (in my case, weapon).


If you enjoy it, do some PVP on the side, enough to make sure you complete weekly quest and the daily quest a few times. Use the commendations there to fill out whatever slots you're missing (probably belt, bracer, offhand and relic, which are all cheap).


Follow those directions, and in about 2 weeks, you'll be decently geared. This should put you around 16k hp, buffed. Another 2 weeks (or some lucky drops) and you could be finishing off your Columi set (17k hp, buffed), in which case you're probably well enough geared to start raiding 8-man Hardmode Operations.

Edited by Azaranth
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While the above is mostly true I'll add...


(1) You can get Blue 50 gear off the market or with commendations from the stories. Make sure you have this as a minimum starting point.


(2) You can actually get Armouring and Barrels from Belsavis and Ilum dailies even faster than the above suggests. In addition to the quest rewards from the heroics you can get 20+ daily commendations each day, with barrels/hilts/armouring costing 8 each. Very, very quickly you should be in solid gear (and Purple 51 is the grade of Tier 1 PVP/PVE gear so Purple 50/51 is on a par with it.)


(3) Don't overlook PVP as a source of gear now the bag system has changed. You can get several bits of Centurion & Champion gear in a few days.


(4) Raids are probably the best source of quick gear if you can do them. My first run of normal mode Eternity Vault gave me two bits of Columi, for example. Purple 50 gear is ample for Normal operations.

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