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PvP Accuracy


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I've made another thread on this but I am still stuck for an answer.


I am currently playing annihilation spec and I really do not know what to do with my stats.


I know that we want crit to 30% surge to 90% but then we also need accuracy to reduce the amount of dodge and parries.


I tried going for more crit/surge at the expense of accuracy/power. I am currently sat at 95.16% accuracy, 30.11% crit and 81.72% surge.


My problem atm is tanks, I can come up against a tank and do next to no dmg over 5globals, just parry dodge after parry.


So what do you guys prefer? Just role with more crit/surge and hope rng doesnt screw you over? Or is there a way to get hgih surge/crit but also stay pretty high on accuracy?


I guess I could spec into narrowed hatred, but I would then lose the utility of the rage tree (heal on unleash, imobolize on charge etc)



I have compared my stats with a ss I found in another thread: http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff435/Swsss/Screenshot_2012-02-09_12_33_03_635135.jpg


This guy ^^ has very similar stats to me, but where he has str/endurance/power mods I have str/endurance/crit hence his 30 higher bonus dmg but 5% less crit.



Suggestions pls, its driving me crazy!

Edited by Betraymodex
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You could spec 3/3 narrowed hatred until you have access to better accuracy enhancements. Assuming you don't already have it, that would bring you to >98% basic accuracy and >108% special attacks accuracy which is around where you want to be.


I know the rakata gear has lots of accuracy on it. You could also use a pve offhand with accuracy if you have one.

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There are 2 issues here.


1) Almost all attacks deal Kinetic damage, which is mitigated by armor.


2) Almost all attacks count as "Melee" attacks, thus they can be shielded (reduces damage by tanks absorb amount) and they can be dodged based on the tanks defense rating.




The only real way to itemize yourself at 50 is swapping around the enhancements in your gear. With enhancements you have a choice between Accuracy and Surge (alacrity ones are pointless). So the only way to raise your accuracy any higher would cost you even more surge. I'd suggest bumping yourself up to ~200 accuracy, that will drop your surge rating to ~250 (depending on what tier gear your using) which will drop your bonus damage down to 81% but will give you 97% accuracy before counting skill tree bonuses.


Fortunately there's almost no high rating defense gear that's available. And even less available to PvPers. A fully pvp geared tank will have something like 10% defense chance, which means you'll still be landing 90% of your hits.

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I've made another thread on this but I am still stuck for an answer.


I am currently playing annihilation spec and I really do not know what to do with my stats.


I know that we want crit to 30% surge to 90% but then we also need accuracy to reduce the amount of dodge and parries.


I tried going for more crit/surge at the expense of accuracy/power. I am currently sat at 95.16% accuracy, 30.11% crit and 81.72% surge.


My problem atm is tanks, I can come up against a tank and do next to no dmg over 5globals, just parry dodge after parry.


So what do you guys prefer? Just role with more crit/surge and hope rng doesnt screw you over? Or is there a way to get hgih surge/crit but also stay pretty high on accuracy?


I guess I could spec into narrowed hatred, but I would then lose the utility of the rage tree (heal on unleash, imobolize on charge etc)



I have compared my stats with a ss I found in another thread: http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff435/Swsss/Screenshot_2012-02-09_12_33_03_635135.jpg


This guy ^^ has very similar stats to me, but where he has str/endurance/power mods I have str/endurance/crit hence his 30 higher bonus dmg but 5% less crit.



Suggestions pls, its driving me crazy!


Hes rage. His big damage dealers and most commonly used moves cant be resisted. Its why he keeps his character at the bare minimum. I think the other specs should use a bit more, Carnage already has 3% from the form, 6 with the talent. Annhilation should probably utilize around 98%, or 8% additional accuracy.

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There are 2 issues here.


1) Almost all attacks deal Kinetic damage, which is mitigated by armor.


2) Almost all attacks count as "Melee" attacks, thus they can be shielded (reduces damage by tanks absorb amount) and they can be dodged based on the tanks defense rating.




The only real way to itemize yourself at 50 is swapping around the enhancements in your gear. With enhancements you have a choice between Accuracy and Surge (alacrity ones are pointless). So the only way to raise your accuracy any higher would cost you even more surge. I'd suggest bumping yourself up to ~200 accuracy, that will drop your surge rating to ~250 (depending on what tier gear your using) which will drop your bonus damage down to 81% but will give you 97% accuracy before counting skill tree bonuses.


Fortunately there's almost no high rating defense gear that's available. And even less available to PvPers. A fully pvp geared tank will have something like 10% defense chance, which means you'll still be landing 90% of your hits.


I have been swapping enhancements around alot, I think I am now stuck with the decision of grabbing narrowed hatred vs using off hand PvE instead of the BM saber. Apart from either of those I cant find a way to get accuracy up to 97% whilst keeping 81% surge.

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I have been swapping enhancements around alot, I think I am now stuck with the decision of grabbing narrowed hatred vs using off hand PvE instead of the BM saber. Apart from either of those I cant find a way to get accuracy up to 97% whilst keeping 81% surge.


with the current changes to surge about to take place, in order to get to 80% you will ahve to have well over 500 surge. shoot for 200 instead, with the new rating itll be at 72% and you can stack up on some accuracy.



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