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Creating a new marauder (pvp)


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I'm abandoning my 60 trooper and 60 sage to play on the side that can actually complete their pvp dailies, and I thought the Marauder might be fun. I'm planning on leveling this character with only pvp and facerolling through the story once I've outleveled it.


It's looking like I want to go up the Annihilation tree for the Force Charge buffs (I hear extra interrupts are good). Would something like this in the lower levels be good:



Or would I be better off spreading my points between a couple trees while low level and then respeccing at 40?



Edited by TheRabbit
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I'm planning on leveling this character with only pvp


Im currently doing this, as sort of an experement


prepare to suck



Due to the way bolster works things start out okay, i dont know why but running around at level 12 or whatever you will be a powerhouse even with out sprint.


But by the high teens something goes horribly wrong, your average damage per match gets cut in half and you just implode when anything looks at you. (and this with better gear no less!)


I dont know when things get right yet, ive only been doing it two days thus for on my mara. its level 20 with 20 valor :p


EDIT: well, anni got a whole lot better at 20 with deadly saber

Edited by Elysion
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