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Artifice Enhancement Duplicates (there are 16 of them)


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BioWare. Please take a look at this image I made for my article outlining the high level crafted enhancements as part of the Artifice Crew Skill. Currently, there are 16 different enhancements which share the same bonus with another. My graphic includes a table which shows the enhancement, the bonus it provides, and which ones are duplicates.


My article is:



The graph is:



As my chart clearly shows, almost a full HALF of the enhancements you can buy are a waste of credits. And this isn't just true of the 22 series, but the lower level ones as well.


I hope this helps clarify the problem for you, so that we can begin to see more diversity in the enhancement system, as there are currently several combinations which appear they SHOULD be in the game, but are not.


Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...

It would seem that the original plan was to have low values for primary, secondary and tertiary stats; the tertiary stat being low apparently didn't make it to implementation, although this could just be to leave room for a secondary/tertiary divide beyond rank 25 enhancements.


There are, however, a couple of broken enhancements that appear to be data entry errors:


At tier 25, Intensity appears to have 33 crit instead of 37 and two of the three crit/accuracy enhancements (acute, finesse and intensity) have the wrong template (all are 24/37/51 instead of 40/20/51).


Reflective also has both crit and power at 33 instead of just power at 37. This is also the case with the green artifice recipe at at least one tier, though I haven't done an exhaustive investigation.

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Yeah, I tried posting several bug reports for this and largely was ignored. I'd like some sort of recognition for this issue.


Clearly something isn't right.


P.s. you made typo in the first link. akajedi instead of aSkajedi.

Edited by Angry_Ferth
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  • 3 weeks later...
There is even some more wierdness when you get the purple versions of some items. Like the green warfare and volition are the same, but the purple volition is the same as purple insight, and not purple warfare. Was trying to see what purples I still need to learn when I noticed that. Now not sure if I can trust the chart for purples or if that was just one buggy exception
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