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Can anyone rate this concept ?


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Rank this concept for a short story (related to my big proect)


An (Galactic) Imperial frigate is on a SAR for another frigate, who was pursuing a rebel ship. They follow closely the hyperspace vector of the other frigate, doing micro jumps to scan local space for debris. This careful procedure save them as they enter a interdiction/jaming field coupled with a EMP pulse (1) in deep space, between systems.


As the frigate was cutting her hyperdrive when she entered the disturbance zone, the said hyperdrive is damaged as opposed as being completely fried. She was also far enough from the EMP pulse to not have all her systems destroyed.


The Imperials have decanted near what appears to be a large asteroid, but what strike them is the amount of destroyed warships and freighters orbiting around him like miniature gas giant rings. (2) Very, very, very ancient warships at times, with vessels from the Clone Wars and unknown type that will appear to a TORist as Great Galactic War Era warships. (this will be a very important point later on, as the premise is a bit ''Modern Imperials discover what amounts to a TOR-invented-flashpoint'')


The Imperials, showing considerable brainpower for people in a space opera, immediately search their databases for such a rogue asteroid sighting and the disappearance of Republic warships during the Clone Wars (the last known vector of the Rep warships allows to calculate the trajectory of the asteroid : it's appears that the asteroid have been drifting in subspace for a very, very, very long time for Humans, altough rather shortly for astronomical times. Apparently, the asteroid have been drifting, slightly influenced by local gravity, around local systems, with very low foward speed.)


The Imperials consider (logically) drifting outside the jamming bubble and report their findings to the High Command while fixing their drives, when their sensors pick up distress signals from the other frigate. They take the cautious approach and send TIEs and shuttled to assist the Imperials, while the frigate try to triangulate the origin of the jamming bubble.


The first frigate life support was completely fried by the EMP pulse, killing most of the crew. Most of the survivors got on the lifepodS (3) to wait for rescue. The rescuing Imperials then realize that facing lack of oxygen, the survivors tried their luck on the asteroid, where close range sensors where detecting breathable atmosphere


The asteroid is in fact a makeshift generation ship. IE, it's an asteroid that was mined, filled with supplies and living quarters, and crude sublight propulsion, just enough to nudge it out of a system toward the next (I admit it, I outright stole this concept from Arthur C. Clark)


It was a desperate attempt by some Humans slaves to escape the Infinite Empire. Issue : the ship the Infinite Empire sent against them is still there....


Seeking only one thing : a ''battery'' for it's own hyperdrive (4), as it's lost it's own battery during the boarding action of the asteroid.


(1)Like in Lethon. The EMP pulse is triggered when a ship is yanked out of hyperspace.


(2) I hope I get my physics good enough on this, but if I get it right, such deep in space, the gravity of the asteroid is the only gravity that affects the ships, thus making them follow the course of the astroid.


3)The idea being that lifepods would be logically constructed to be immune to this kind of catastrophic power failure.


(4)The idea is never explcitly detailed, but the ''battery'' means a Force sensitive being (as par other Rakkatan tech)

Edited by Angedechu
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