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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

6 Weeks in ... OMG the sky is falling -- Not


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EDIT: Ok so yes it has been more than six weeks. My bad. I did a quick calculation in my head. I was some days off. But it hasn't been 2 months yet.


But still.... I think I'll give Bioware a bit more time before I cancel. I mean I enjoy the game.


I have fun.


That "other game" It has been around for seven years. Polished yes. But I played Cata. I got bored in six weeks. I just... couldn't do... it...




Original :


Ok so SW:TOR was released DEC 20th. Today is Feb 10th. I believe it has been about 6.5 weeks. I think the level of "O-M-G the game is totally broken" posts is a little overblown.


The game has not even been released long enough to say it has been out "monthS".


Give the developers a little bit of time.


From my time with the release of SW:TOR it was a great release. I don't even know if I was disconnected from server (when I didn't want to be of course) one time during my play time during early access.


I know there are complaints with PVP, with server imbalance.... ect...


But lets give the Developers .. you know .. more than "weeks" to fix the issues.


It has been six weeks. Not six months.



I have read that there are leaked plans all the way up to a version 1.5. So they are working on content.


Heck, in a perfect world I'd love to go to the cantina and sit down, and play some cards. But I'll be patient.


The CFO is leaving what does that say...

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Concerns are perfectly reasonable and suggestions are always a great thing! Saying how the game will go f2p, bioware are idiots, nobody is playing, this was the worst launch in history of mmo games, the patch didn't fix the bug I wanted to get fixed, my class wasn't buffed and some other class wasn't nerfed, there's not as much content as X etc. is either trolling or whining.


Notice that I said a lot....not all.


However, even posts that claim the things you listed are useful, to a degree. One has to look past the initial outbursts and find out what exactly people are TRYING to say, rather than what they ARE saying.


And there is the problem. In the end, we are all human beings. A lot are prone to emotions. And when you take the time to look past the emotions, you can often get at the root cause of the issue. However, too many are happy to just automatically label someone as a troll, without actually LISTENING to what their gripe actually is and empathising with that person. Instead, they leap to the defense of a company. As if it was somehow defenseless.

Edited by Tarka
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However, even posts that claim the things you listed are useful, to a degree. One has to look past the initial outbursts and find out what exactly people are TRYING to say, rather than what they ARE saying.


I don't disagree. But they would be immensely more helpful if they relax and make a calm post about the problems they have with the game. Which is why I said that gamers nowadays are more whiny. I'm sorry but there's no reason that you can't control your emotions on an internet forum. If you feel the need to rage at something it's much better to take a break and do something else until you calm down.

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Six weeks in and still no high resolution graphics, like how hard is that?


Really, what else do we excuse them of? Outright incompetence? Laziness? Catering to exploiters?


Yeah, we all know high-res graphics are as easy as coding


"High Rez Graphics = true"


Right below


"FPS = High"

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wrong day to post this - people log in on Tuesdays to do the dailies and weekly reset, run their OP and then log out for the week... what else is there ?


yeah, yeah level a alt, listen to the same text again (I read stories to my niece and she loves hearing the same ones over and over again - but she's 5, any adult seriously excited about listening to the same quest dialogue and running the almost the exact same quest in the same order has my sympathies).


So people whine, I whine, you whine, others whine because charging a monthly fee for what is a fun single hit run through co-op RPG is frankly a little outrageous.


What that guy said.


There is no content. People are not going to sit around paying money to level more alts up when 90% of the quests are shared and are simply fetch and kill quests.


The entire idea of giving the devs time is laughable. They had a half a decade to make this game with 200M dollars and an extensive beta period. This game is live. Other companies (Trion) get this, and havnt been asking for months while they make their game functional or give things to their players to do.

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Oh I am being completely fair. I've been playing MMOs a long time now and I have heard all of this crap on here a million times before. Its always the same. First we have the endless and usually conflicting complaints and then the equally endless "I quit and this game will fail" posts, followed by more "I quit" posts by the same people for the next several months. Its amazing how long it takes people to quit a game. rofl


To be honest same!


I dont pay allot of attention to what forums say.


Most of the complaints I read here wouldnt be high priorities to me either. Some would but most wouldnt.


The Forums are not a reflextion of the game, good or bad.


But having said all that, you have to be pretty blind and or paid Bioware employee to not see many of the screw up and short comings of the game that many of these fanboi posters that like to try and paint this picture that everything is fine and dandy in game, when its clearly not.


And as a different poster pointed out, what about the amazing number of bugs and issues pointed out in beta that remain today? I gotta admit, those are the ones that truely get under my skin.


Case in point: In beta a lvl 20 stealther attempted multiple times to kill myself and a buddy I was playing beta with by exploiting his stealth and dragging mobs through aoe attack radius.


I, like a good beta tester should, sent in multiple bug reports and feedback on this issue (as did my buddy) along with a easy fix that eliminated that issue and any forseeable issue of low level characters trying to harm or exploit the game via stealth. (IE: even though Id never seen the Illum stealthing to chest exploit, I sent in multiple feedbacks FIXING IT BEFORE HAND in beta months before open beta and retail hit)


As we all know, TOR launched with this exact exploitation in place and it has from all reports created problems.


And the obvious fix to this day still hasnt been done!




1) Make Illum a hard cap level 40 to enter so no one under level can enter it to beging with


2) Make PVE mobs see through stealth of players 5 levels below them!


There is ZERO REASON for anyone to be below level on a planet unless they intentionally trying to get around stuff. So make mobs see through Stealth ina expanded radius the larger the level gap.


Thus level 20s stop running through mobs on Hoth (and stop chest hunting when its not their level of goods).


Thats just one example but a clear one that Bioware ignored from beta. I know for a fact on the beta forums I was far from only one saying this. It was a fairly common posting.


So I ask OP, do people not have a right to be upset about that stuff?

Should they not expect better from a game and developer they paying to run this game?


I hate the tone of many of the hating posts as well but you know what I hate more?


These selfish and misguided "The game is perfect and fine and we shouldnt expect any better" posts because you reward a company for ignoreing your feedback and not doing their jobs at the level of quality we SHOULD BE DEMANDING from ALL DEVELOPERS!


You fanboi posters do more long term harm to title then any 100 hater posts will ever do.

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Im level 37 with my main..... cant belive that people have been lvl 50 for weeks.

*** are you doing? you seriously cant have any life what so ever....


So because you are quite possibly the worst person at time management it means people who hit 50 have no life. Good to know!

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Im level 37 with my main..... cant belive that people have been lvl 50 for weeks.

*** are you doing? you seriously cant have any life what so ever....


I love the amazing thought process that because some people have more time to play - they should be punished for it. Classic. Insulted and punished. I know people who play 1-3 hours every day or so, and they are 50, and have been 50.

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