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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

6 Weeks in ... OMG the sky is falling -- Not


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Yeah this is why I hate the MMO community. They whine more than anyone I have ever met. If the game isn't perfect at launch, they whine. If you take the servers down to fix some of the problems, they whine. If the game doesn't have the same features as every other mmo, they whine. If it does then they whine about it being too much like every other mmo. lolol


I agree, you can never make them happy. Whiners are lame. This game is the smoothest launch in MMO history.

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seven and a half weeks in and still no high resolution graphics, like how hard is that?


12 days in December, 31 in January and 10 in February = 53 days = 7.57 weeks

Edited by ferroz
capitalization of months
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I agree, you can never make them happy. Whiners are lame. This game is the smoothest launch in MMO history.


Ever heard that the squeaky wheel gets the grease? The Whiners are the only thing that pressures the devs to do a better job. Sure the game launched smoothly... in a sense that the servers were stable. But I dont see how anyone can ignore the fact that the game is bug ridden and still requires a considerable amount of polishing.

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I agree, you can never make them happy. Whiners are lame. This game is the smoothest launch in MMO history.




How could it not ? It is so heavily instanced and even then people were drip fed into the game. I do not care if a game has a few problems in the first few days, it's almost expected - as long as it is nothing major, I would have preferred that than having the guild get into the game on different days whilst others were checking their emails every hour to see if they were allowed to play the game yet.

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Its not that the game is broken which is the reason for potential "failure" whatever that is anyways.....For me, its the easiness. This game is a lot easier to gear and hit CAP than in any MMO I've ever played. As I get older, I yearn for more of a challenge and less of a free grab bag type game. Of which SWTOR is the epitome.
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Ok so SW:TOR was released DEC 20th. Today is Feb 10th. I believe it has been about 6.5 weeks. I think the level of "O-M-G the game is totally broken" posts is a little overblown.


The game has not even been released long enough to say it has been out "monthS".


Give the developers a little bit of time.


From my time with the release of SW:TOR it was a great release. I don't even know if I was disconnected from server (when I didn't want to be of course) one time during my play time during early access.


I know there are complaints with PVP, with server imbalance.... ect...


But lets give the Developers .. you know .. more than "weeks" to fix the issues.


It has been six weeks. Not six months.



I have read that there are leaked plans all the way up to a version 1.5. So they are working on content.


Heck, in a perfect world I'd love to go to the cantina and sit down, and play some cards. But I'll be patient.


It's because of people like you developers think they can get away with releasing unfinished games.


You're part of the problem, not the solution :)

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^ That's not true.


Unfinished games are released because damn near 100% of gamers are online and they can patch in content and fixes. In the days of CD-ROM only type games, the game HAD to be finished otherwise it would be flamed into oblivion.


They are still "flamed into oblivion".


Have you read these forums? lol

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Well... i would not say the sky is falling... its not so bad. The game is bad. Thats all.


It was rushed out terribly soon. Prolly not BW's fault, but EA. Stil i cant believe the reviews they got. I bet EA spent a lot of money on those.


They can spend all the time they want to improve it, but not with my money. There are many free betas out there...


yeah, yeah level a alt, listen to the same text again (I read stories to my niece and she loves hearing the same ones over and over again - but she's 5, any adult seriously excited about listening to the same quest dialogue and running the almost the exact same quest in the same order has my sympathies).


So people whine, I whine, you whine, others whine because charging a monthly fee for what is a fun single hit run through co-op RPG is frankly a little outrageous.


Rofl, I loled at this. So true! If i had to go throught the same quests again... /shivers.

Edited by SithEnvoy
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^ That's not true.


Unfinished games are released because damn near 100% of gamers are online and they can patch in content and fixes. In the days of CD-ROM only type games, the game HAD to be finished otherwise it would be flamed into oblivion.


Well in the later half of the 90s the games were mostly the way they are know - often in need of a patch. The difference was that it took much longer for the patch to be released. And before that the game code was much simpler so there was much less chance of missing a bug during development. Also there was not so much diversity in the hardware. Not to mention that gamers simply weren't as whiny. I still remember the game-breaking bugs in betrayal at krondor. You actually couldn't continue beyond a certain point if you had sound blaster because the game would freeze. And yet I can't remember any complaining about that...though that could also be because very few people had internet >>

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Perhaps they should focus on fixing the game before adding more to it.


I'm curious as to how long it would actually take them to fix the majority of issues.


The game doesn't even have a /roll functionality. Instead the players are forced to use "guess my number".


So can we really expect them to fix class story issues in a reasonable timeframe or make sure that the majority of encounters in end game flashpoints don't bork out?


Seriously Bioware?

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Well in the later half of the 90s the games were mostly the way they are know - often in need of a patch. The difference was that it took much longer for the patch to be released. And before that the game code was much simpler so there was much less chance of missing a bug during development. Also there was not so much diversity in the hardware. Not to mention that gamers simply weren't as whiny. I still remember the game-breaking bugs in betrayal at krondor. You actually couldn't continue beyond a certain point if you had sound blaster because the game would freeze. And yet I can't remember any complaining about that...though that could also be because very few people had internet >>


And the fact that games nowadays are aimed at a different market than they used to be.

And whilst someone may be happy to play any old crap rolled out by devs. Others have a higher expectation than that.


The same goes for other industries.


People aren't being "whiney", they expect a decent level of quality for a service that they are being expected to pay for.


20 years ago electric windows weren't standard in cars. Would you be happy to pay the same price as other cars for one that doesn't offer the same level of quality?

Edited by Tarka
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On February 3, 2012, Eric Brown, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of Electronic Arts Inc. ("EA"), tendered his resignation. His last day at EA will be February 17, 2012.



This cannot bode well for EA. Executive VP's don't just walk out of a job without any notice unless there is an underlying problem. And as the CFO the problem is likely a financial one.

Edited by Gilbara
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And the fact that games nowadays are aimed at a different market than they used to be.


People aren't "whiney", they expect a decent level of quality for a service that they are being expected to pay for.


You can have certain expectations without being whiny. Also you'd need to have realistic expectations. I might expect the game to be running on my iphone with several million people all in one giant server that houses a galaxy with several hundred billion star systems that you can freely explore. Would it make sense to complain that swtor isn't like that?


P.s. Yes, this is an extreme example to illustrate a point.

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On February 3, 2012, Eric Brown, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of Electronic Arts Inc. ("EA"), tendered his resignation. His last day at EA will be February 17, 2012.



This cannot bode well for EA. Executive VP's don't just walk out of a job without any notice unless there is an underlying problem. And as the CFO the problem is likely a financial one.


Unless there's a good incentive to leave his current job, i.e. a possible pay increase:



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On February 3, 2012, Eric Brown, Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer of Electronic Arts Inc. ("EA"), tendered his resignation. His last day at EA will be February 17, 2012.



This cannot bode well for EA. Executive VP's don't just walk out of a job without any notice unless there is an underlying problem. And as the CFO the problem is likely a financial one.


A CFO leaving is always looked at with suspicion due to their integral role with financial reporting.


EDIT: Based on link other poster posted it looks like a promo of sorts for him so probably not a big deal.

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Anyone who is so pretentious that they have to say "that other game" instead of just saying "WoW" is instantly discredited in my book.


... it's just a joke. Lots of people do it. Like "the game that shall not be named"


I was on a forum once with a section to discuss "the game that shall not be named" since the main focus there was RIFT.


What's the big deal?

Edited by Geoteknate
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You can have certain expectations without being whiny. Also you'd need to have realistic expectations. I might expect the game to be running on my iphone with several million people all in one giant server that houses a galaxy with several hundred billion star systems that you can freely explore. Would it make sense to complain that swtor isn't like that?


P.s. Yes, this is an extreme example to illustrate a point.


The question is: who is in the best position to judge whether expectations are realistic? Certainly not other forum posters.


From experience, I have found that a lot of the concerns and suggestions being expressed on these forums are quite within the realms of being realistic.


I have also found that certain people often try to claim or infer that other peoples expectations are unrealistic purely on the basis of wanting defending a company which they often have no financial stake in. They try to imply that their own subjective opinion on what THEY consider to be realistic is actually a fact. Those people often cannot differentiate between valid and invalid concerns, and instead just prefer to categorise ALL concerns as nothing more than "whining".

Edited by Tarka
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From experience, I have found that a lot of the concerns and suggestions being expressed on these forums are quite within the realms of being realistic.


Concerns are perfectly reasonable and suggestions are always a great thing! Saying how the game will go f2p, bioware are idiots, nobody is playing, this was the worst launch in history of mmo games, the patch didn't fix the bug I wanted to get fixed, my class wasn't buffed and some other class wasn't nerfed, there's not as much content as X etc. is either trolling or whining.

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