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Possible to Get all Professions across Multiple Characters on Same Account?


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I'm interested to see whether it's possible to have multiple characters, all on the same account and same server, each with a different crafting profession. My idea is to get each character to at least level 10 so they get companions and crew skills, and then level each one's crafting skills to 400 so they can mail crafted gear around between characters. This way I can self-supply myself with all required items; lightsabers, armour, stims, medpacks, etc.


Is there any issue with scaling craft levels to 400, while the character level itself stays ~10 or so? I am just wondering if the missions can all be done at low character levels, or whether the high-end missions to gather new materials need to be done by high-level characters?

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Two issues with that. Cost (you'll run out of credits unless you're supplying with a character that is either selling stuff or adventuring) and Bind-on-Pick-Up (some items like the snazzy epic stuff in each profession are only available to the character crafting the item). Other than those, you have enough slots and no other difficulties.
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It seems that BW has gone to great lengths to discourage players from trying to do what you are proposing. However, I have been trying to formulate ways to do this. Check my sig for my first stab at it. (Edit: Linking here too in case I change my sig.)


To answer your logistics questions, yes a low level character can skill up past their adventure level bracket. However, you have to at least finish your class quest on the starter planet to get your first companion. Not sure if there is a level requirement on when you can learn crew skills, but they are pretty useless without a companion.

Edited by BlueWraith
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It seems that BW has gone to great lengths to discourage players from trying to do what you are proposing. However, I have been trying to formulate ways to do this. Check my sig for my first stab at it. (Edit: Linking here too in case I change my sig.)


To answer your logistics questions, yes a low level character can skill up past their adventure level bracket. However, you have to at least finish your class quest on the starter planet to get your first companion. Not sure if there is a level requirement on when you can learn crew skills, but they are pretty useless without a companion.


There's no level requirement to learn the crew skill. I sent my level 2 BH to the fleet, got all the codex entries and came back down to Hutta at level 4.5. If you start on Korriban, you don't get to the area with the shuttle until level 4ish, but that's more of a story restriction.


I'm interested in this as well because this is what I do in WoW. I have a full server of max level toons with max level professions, and the money is very nice. The only thing I don't do is Gather, and that's kinda fixed here with companions.

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Thanks guys! I am of course planning to level *at least* one character up to level 50, possibly more over time. I have 6 level-capped characters on another MMO, as an example, so this is a familiar routine. :cool: So I can always supply funding from the main toon to the craft mules, until such time as I start to level them up as well. I picked level 10 as my sample level since I would get at least each class into the Republic Fleet, off the starter world, to ensure they got a companion and crew skills trained. Getting a 2nd companion at slightly higher levels, once they got their personal ship, would also be smart.


I mostly wanted to check whether there were level requirements for crafting, and it appears not. Thanks for the advice, and especially for the solo crafting guide!

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If you plan on getting a bunch of characters to 50, then it's not so much of a problem since you have access to all the companions. Myself, I probably won't level more than 2 characters to cap because that's about all I can take. So I'll have level 10 crafting alts filling in the gaps.


I was also going to do this (get all crafters) in Rift, and I made a good beginning at it. However, when I got to skill cap, it turned out that there was a dailies grind to get the purple recipes. No way was I going to spend all my play time grinding out crafting dailies. So, I managed to get only about 2 crafters in pretty good shape, recipe-wise.


Does anyone know how the epic recipes are obtained in end-game crafting in SWTOR? If it's too much of a grind, I'll probably just skip crafting altogether and run FPs and Ops for gear. I may actually just post another question on this.

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You need to think that idea over.........Instead of wasting all those credits and time on alts, you should ask your self if is actually worth it to try to get every single proffesion especially when lvl 50 FP/Operation with probably be better than most of the gear. Biochem and Cybertech look like the only useful crafting professions at lvl 50 once the gear starts coming in. Sry if this is mean, but this is a very childish suggestion IMO. I WANT EVERYTHING! kind of mentality just dosent work in MMOs
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I appreciate honesty, even if it's critical. (That's how people learn.) Just so long as it's not an insult. (e.g. "childish suggestion")


The "I WANT EVERYTHING" mentality is exactly the customer that MMO companies want. (Umm, but contrast to the "I want everything now" mentality.) People who focus on one aspect of a game leave when that aspect gets boring. There's nothing wrong with wanting everything, but one just has to be willing to put in the time to do everything.


As to whether it's worth it. Getting gear by FP/Ops is much easier and quicker. But to a DIYer (the people who are pondering this thread's question), easy and quick are not the overriding considerations. However, complaints do arise when DIY is impossible or gimps your other capabilities.

Edited by BlueWraith
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You need to think that idea over.........Instead of wasting all those credits and time on alts, you should ask your self if is actually worth it to try to get every single proffesion especially when lvl 50 FP/Operation with probably be better than most of the gear. Biochem and Cybertech look like the only useful crafting professions at lvl 50 once the gear starts coming in. Sry if this is mean, but this is a very childish suggestion IMO. I WANT EVERYTHING! kind of mentality just dosent work in MMOs


I got that way after Ulduar. I finally cracked. After a wipe, having to wait for 24 people to eat, poop, make their kid eat and poop, have a smoke, have their kid smoke, take the dog out for a poop and smoke, it was like 45 minutes (I think they were all from Texas)


Ever since then, I've found a LOT of joy in finding out how to quickly level toons and make a lot of gold. It's a game on my own terms, and I can go out and have dinner without inconveniencing a dozen people.


I have 17 max level toons in WoW (gotta see how Alliance does things on occasion!!) and that's kinda what I do.

Edited by GenXCub
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