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Combat! I'm a killer!


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Watchman is easier to play, because you dont have to keep attacking, your DOTS give you damage even when you lose the target. While combat you have 6 seconds to do the most damage your can. If you miss that window, you damage is very low.


Thats why everyone says watchaman is better.


Somebody recently suggested in a post that Precision becomes a buff, like OS, and it simply affects your next 4 abilities, giving you more leeway to use those abilities in a pvp setting where timing gets interrupted by CC. This would solve such a huge problem. Although I'd say your next 3 abilities, 4 might be overpowered.

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Watchman is easier to play, because you dont have to keep attacking, your DOTS give you damage even when you lose the target. While combat you have 6 seconds to do the most damage your can. If you miss that window, you damage is very low.


Thats why everyone says watchaman is better.


I agree with that. Specced watchman for one day and already did well with it, with combat it took me weeks to become good with it.


But that being said, I don't think that on a high level watchman is superior to combat, they are about the same but combat indeed requires much more finesse and focus to play, you can't relax you need to be on top of your CDs, rotations and escape mechanics the entire time.

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I dont play a sent, but I raid with Two, Ones combat other is Watch... watch destroys combat, our combat sent just switched over to Watch spec and was amazed at how much more dmg he was dishing, even tho combat is supposed to dish out more burst and watch more sustained, it just doesnt work that way atm.



Raiding is a poor test of success in PvP. A watchman's damage takes a while to get going, so if you have a high HP raid boss who isn't hopping around in circles he can build the damage up over time and then sustain it. It's not like that in PvP. I'm not saying which is better, just that raiding is not something to draw a PvP comparison from.

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I leveled solo to 50 and pvp at 50 as combat 0/36/5. I have mostly champ gear and frankly unless i had a healer i get my butt stomped most of the time.


I leveled another sent on a different server and tried out watchman. I was so impressed with watchman that i switched up my spec on my 50 to 11/30/0 forgoing bladestorm which for me was worthless in pvp with the stuttering and the time it took to **** back.


I love the new spec and it suits my play style pretty well.



My experimental sent is nearing 40 so i will have to see how it goes once i get to 50 with full watchman spec.

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Raiding is a poor test of success in PvP. A watchman's damage takes a while to get going, so if you have a high HP raid boss who isn't hopping around in circles he can build the damage up over time and then sustain it. It's not like that in PvP. I'm not saying which is better, just that raiding is not something to draw a PvP comparison from.
I understand what your saying, The best Sents ive seen are watch spec... oh and I pvp all the time 60 valor before Ilum hell and stuff like that.
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