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Anybody else having problems since the last patch ?


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My problem mainly consists of Ability animations not working right and a pretty obvious stutter/FPS lag on Tatooine with my Shadow.


None of my fighting animations work but they still do damage. My sabre won't go away although it does disappear from time to time but the character still holds the animation as if it is still out.


It was fine before the Patch yesterday.



I have checked my rig over to make sure it isn't a hardware problem and all is good on that end.


Only managed to play for 30 minutes last night because of this:(

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My problem mainly consists of Ability animations not working right and a pretty obvious stutter/FPS lag on Tatooine with my Shadow.


None of my fighting animations work but they still do damage. My sabre won't go away although it does disappear from time to time but the character still holds the animation as if it is still out.


It was fine before the Patch yesterday.



I have checked my rig over to make sure it isn't a hardware problem and all is good on that end.


Only managed to play for 30 minutes last night because of this:(


Hm. If you have performance issues and believe that that your hardware should perform better, I would try to go through the options disable them one by one to find out what the problem is. Anti-Aliasing, Shadows, Shader Model...


Could you say when exactly you're experiencing a particular amount of lag? Is it only certain animations (an the particule effects that come along with it)? Which animations cause trouble and what kind of trouble exactly?

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Hm. If you have performance issues and believe that that your hardware should perform better, I would try to go through the options disable them one by one to find out what the problem is. Anti-Aliasing, Shadows, Shader Model...


Could you say when exactly you're experiencing a particular amount of lag? Is it only certain animations (an the particule effects that come along with it)? Which animations cause trouble and what kind of trouble exactly?


My hardware isn't at fault. The game ran fine pre new patch on several different characters including my shadow.


The Lag is constant. Think PvP prior to the last few patches . I don't know if this is just on Tatooine though. Will travel to Nar Shadda and see if it happens there as well.


Not certain animations either but all of them. I still Get the force effect but not the character animation.

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