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How squishy is a Marauder for solo leveling? Been thinking about rerolling one of them, but if they're as difficult as they seem to be from the posts (Dying to nice, normal mobs with one strong..? What?) I'll probably avoid it.


Extra information:


I don't get stuff like rotations and stuff the "hardcore" MMO players use.

I don't give a **** about PvP, I want to get through class stories, level up, etc.

I hate dying because you die 4 times and you're either sitting there for hours or respawning a mile behind and running all the way back again only to repeat the process.

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Disregard the posts that suggest you have to outlevel content zones in order to succeed. You do not. I found an Annihilation spec very efficient at dealing with difficult mobs. Quinn is a great boon and most times you should come out of a strong/elite fight with 80-90% health.


I have levelled a deception Assassin and a Marauder to 50 and I found the mara by far the more fun of the two (empirical evidence notwithstanding.)


You already know about mobs and some tactics already, for you state that you are rerolling. Therefore just target the weaker adds first and let Quinn keep you up. If you take other companions you need to moderate your gameplay accordingly.


As others have said, there is no difficulty levelling as a marauder as long as you pay attention to your cooldowns and plan ahead. Perhaps this is why some struggle. *Shrugs* who knows.

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Disregard the posts that suggest you have to outlevel content zones in order to succeed. You do not. I found an Annihilation spec very efficient at dealing with difficult mobs. Quinn is a great boon and most times you should come out of a strong/elite fight with 80-90% health.


I have levelled a deception Assassin and a Marauder to 50 and I found the mara by far the more fun of the two (empirical evidence notwithstanding.)


You already know about mobs and some tactics already, for you state that you are rerolling. Therefore just target the weaker adds first and let Quinn keep you up. If you take other companions you need to moderate your gameplay accordingly.


As others have said, there is no difficulty levelling as a marauder as long as you pay attention to your cooldowns and plan ahead. Perhaps this is why some struggle. *Shrugs* who knows.


this! leveled my mara to 39. i entered all planets with the required min level. got no problems as long the quests are near my own level.


well it's no facerolling at all, but that's what fun means to me ;)

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dont see why people have such a hard time with the quests, for the most part i fought all the class bosses when i was 3 levels below the recommended requirement. however i did use quin and occasionally the odd med pack.


if your having trouble with a certain section i suggest hopping into your fury and crashing it right into the boss that your having problems with.


if your wondering how to get your ship onto the planets surface, speak to nem'ro the hutt on hutta. :D

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