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Regarding Hooded armour-here is what i did


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If you are like me and are crazy to play ur marauder with a hooded armour at least until end game where we get our own here is a tip: Get the "Black Talon Inquisitor Robe" from the Black Talon flashpoint. At lvl 20 it shouldnt take you more than 10-15 minutes to solo and u get a nice 200 dark points on top.

The Armour itself looks AMAZING its completely black with some purple lines and of course HOODED and moddable... Also it looks perfect if you combine it with the black moddable pants that u get when u finish the Balmora bonus series...

Now for the tricky part: The armour is LIGHT... which means you WILL be loosing a bit of damage mitigation but after testing it its not much at all (around 2%) and u can easily take it like a man if you want to LOOK COOL. Its not like u will be Hardcore pvping untill u get to 50 where u can swap it for our hooded end game gear...

Well i hope it helps out some of u fellow vanity freaks until Bioware decided to give us hooded armour or something...

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That's fine until end game when you start getting tier-level gear with much better armoring mods that, at the moment, cannot be ripped out. I was lucky to get the Xenotech Weaponmaster Vest from Karagga, but I did replace it with Columi since it was an upgrade. You have a lot of flexibility until you hit 50 and start needing better gear for raids/pvp. Just waiting until they make the change to epic items and u can pull armor mods out :)
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