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Plus one if you think Bioware should award paying subscribers a free months sub for all of the aggravation, downtimes, repeatedly occurring bugs, and in general less than stellar customer service.


(+1) or Plus 1 or plus one or + one


how ever you choose to agree or disagree please reply.


i would like to not get too many trolls or misfits bashing bioware in this thread go make your own, feel free to add a short comment but as ill be sending this along to bioware the less dipsticks flaming and trolling the better chance we have to get something back for our combined troubles.



i know for a lot of people a free month of gametime would go a long ways to salve the wounds caused by our first world problems.


i would go so far as to say maybe we should also get a medal, or title, for our toons, something says we survived the dark times. ;)



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Uh, I think that's kind of what the Founder title is for. In my opinion anyway. It's a subtle way of them saying, "Thanks for sticking with us through the toughest time in an MMO's life."


As far as the free month goes... We already get a free month just for buying the game. Glitches and downtime is all a part of an MMO launch, so you kinda signed up for it when you bought the game and decided to stay subscribed. As for the customer service... Well, I can't say much as I haven't had any bad experiences, though I've heard it's pretty much crap. I wouldn't say that's Bioware's fault though, as EA is in charge.

Edited by Brosephiine
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I've honestly found no problems with the game that have been worth getting truly worked up over. Now, I've never played an MMO from launch, but I know people who have, and have heard about the gigantic, basically unplayable mess some of them were. TOR is already a hundred times better than most MMOs at launch, and way better than some MMOs that have launches years behind them.


Really, in the grand scheme of things, a few emergency patches and some extra downtime are not worth getting that worked up over, especially when BioWare shows an uncommon attentiveness to actually getting things fixed. I know MMOs (EQ being the worst offender) that have had things broken since launch, have been made well aware of the issue, and still not allocated any resources to fix it, because they just don't care.


I've really had no cause to complain about BioWare's handling of the game in general, or customer service in particular. There are a few things I'd like to see changed, but nothing that calls for the issuing of demands.

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i too have not had any of these so called "game breaking" issues ive had a few annoying bugs, and cosmetic bugs, but only one real i was stuck and had to restart a flashpoint, but then i read about cntrl+U and that fixed all the annoying little UI things.


and i know perfectly well what i signed up for for the record i am a long time gamer, consoles, pc, pads, macs, arcades, handhelds etc. a mmorpg of this magnitude with the bankroll it supposedly had behind it, was rushed to release. abd it is not biowares fault per say. it isnt the developers or coders or graphic artists fault. it is not the customer service personnel fault either.


SOLE blame for our game being rushed out before it had the proper polish and testing is on the hands of the suits in the accounting department.


believe me when i say the people who lovingly crafted this magnificent world had absolutely no desire to put forth a product with the issues this one had at the launch.


but deadlines and contracts and advertising and manufacturing and shipping and a myriad of other details FORCE them to not be able to push back the launch.

and if they HAD been able to do another months worth of polish, you know everyone who complains about the state of the game would be saying that bioware cant make a game on time and that the game must be broke so bad yadda yadda trollolo.......


my sole interest in making this topic is to get people on the bandwagon of the "lets get bioware to bend just a bit" bandwagon.


mostly to quell the minor complaints and to show the rest of the gaming community at large, that bioware is one of the companies that really cares and will make amends even if amends are not really what EVERYONE wants.


its no different than talking to a store employee about a return of damaged purchase, and they say " oh im sorry that happened what can we do to help you?"

basic customer service.


anyone has to admit that there are or were some pretty blatant bugs at launch.


sure theres gonna be bugs, and patches create bugs sometimes mutated nasty ones that no amount of crystal ball gazing will predict. but you also have to admit that these very forums and the in game chats across the servers are over populated with complainers.


a free months sub would assuredly dampen that spirit.


and make people smile and everyone is happy and people ahve no reason to complain so much and the bug report system isnt over run with bogus troll reports as much thus leading to better and faster id and fixing of real bugs.


thats just one bennie from my plan. there are countless others. and the free one month sub is pretty much standard and was the extra 15 bucks i paid for the game. well not i personally a friend bought all this for me for xmas, yea me!.


but i plan on being around a while, theres so many storylines so many choices what to do.

pvp is just one aspect of this game. too bad its the loudest voice.


if you agree with my views please +1 in reply.

if you disagree please be civil as others before you have been.


and btw sorry to have to correct something , but a previous replicant stated that EA handles customer service for this game.... not exactly, bioware handles the game and has its own customer service staff. give em a ring they are very nice and have been great when ive called them.


then EA handles the sale and security key fobs. otherwise you dont need origin at all. or ea for that matter unless you want to buy another copy. or a security key. and of course EA has a customer service staff. just wanted to clear that up.


to clarify my stance.... im happy with my game and experience, but i see many many others who are not, i know from professional experience what makes customers happier when they feel slighted by a company due to a product defect or bad service, it was my job for quite a few years for a few major retail chains to train managers and floor staff cashiers what to do and how to handle customers. so in the desire to see a happy healthy community, and to make a lot of people turn the frowns upside down, a free months sub to this game is NOTHING to bioware but a HUGE customer service bonanza.


for me its about the future and quality of community. and the people who really understand what i am saying...*nods.... its a obviously easy cheap quick way for bioware to show the community that "hey our bad we had no idea our bug fixes would break so many other things....heres a free months sub... enjoy have fun and THANKS for playing!"


have fun y'all.

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oh and i dont need a free months sub i paid for 6 months up front....


but hey thanks for trolling its always fun to see how bad our kids futures are with todays education systems.


and personally i dont think the issues are bad enough to warrant the CONSTANT whine from the peanut gallery, but there were enough issues and there are enough people who have shown a legitimate issue that something from bioware as a token of loyalty and thanks above and beyond whats expected or deserved is what makes the action a totally excellent customer service move, its like when you have to wait more than 6 minutes for your burger order and you loudly talk crap about the company whose food youre about to eat and the quality of the staff, and the asst manager walks up and says "so sorry it took so long we tossed in a bag of cookies/free desert/extra order or fries or up size3d your order for free etc. see what im saying?


you take a plane ride...you get thru everything you got to do to make it onto the plane you go to your seat and theres a mom and 3 kids and you go " hmmm 3 seats and 4 people" and the flight attendant comes up to you and says "sir we are sorry we mis booked your seat please follow me to first class" and youre like "oh heck yeah! first class baby!" and you sit there and are king of the world for the couple hours youre there....


thats all just a nod at us players and payers something to say to all the naysayers and something for the video game blog-sphere to post about for a couple days.


but then again im not in this for my personal gain im already paid up thru the summer....

this is about a company turning a negative issue into a positive with one small freebie.


i dont see any downside here........


please feel free to calmly discuss. or +1 if it agrees with you.

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I've honestly found no problems with the game that have been worth getting truly worked up over. Now, I've never played an MMO from launch, but I know people who have, and have heard about the gigantic, basically unplayable mess some of them were. TOR is already a hundred times better than most MMOs at launch, and way better than some MMOs that have launches years behind them.


Really, in the grand scheme of things, a few emergency patches and some extra downtime are not worth getting that worked up over, especially when BioWare shows an uncommon attentiveness to actually getting things fixed. I know MMOs (EQ being the worst offender) that have had things broken since launch, have been made well aware of the issue, and still not allocated any resources to fix it, because they just don't care.


I've really had no cause to complain about BioWare's handling of the game in general, or customer service in particular. There are a few things I'd like to see changed, but nothing that calls for the issuing of demands.





you didnt read it did you? who demanded anything?


worked up over? where do i seem worked up? or are you transferring all of the QQ posts and trololo chat bombs on your server onto me? so sorry but no dice.


gotta love it when people assume they know everything.

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you take a plane ride...you get thru everything you got to do to make it onto the plane you go to your seat and theres a mom and 3 kids and you go " hmmm 3 seats and 4 people" and the flight attendant comes up to you and says "sir we are sorry we mis booked your seat please follow me to first class" and youre like "oh heck yeah! first class baby!" and you sit there and are king of the world for the couple hours youre there....




I watched something like this happen, only they don't give you a first class seat. They give you a refund or they rebook your flight for the next available flight and give you free accommodations if needed. Also, if they're over booked before boarding they'll ask people to volunteer to rebook for the next available flight with accommodations provided if necessary as well.

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you didnt read it did you? who demanded anything?


worked up over? where do i seem worked up? or are you transferring all of the QQ posts and trololo chat bombs on your server onto me? so sorry but no dice.


gotta love it when people assume they know everything.


Maybe you should reread your first post. It reads a lot like a demand for something because YOU had a bad experience. If that wasn't your intent, fine, but you may want to be a bit more clear in your statement.

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