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Need a crash course on Anni PvP


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Switched from Rage after V62 (only spec i've played). Spec is awesome and is a lot of fun to play. Sometimes I miss the burstyness of Rage but the constant damage on healers and tanks is awesome. Want to make sure I'm utilizing the spec it to it's fullest.


Couple questions:


VS to get rupture back off CD: soon as I apply rupture, does the bleed go against the 3 stack from deadly saber afterwards or is this a moot point because by the time you apply the 3rd attack to get the 3rd bleed the rupture expires anyway?


Is scream basically pointless to use b/c you're not getting the tree synergy ala rage (1 less rage cost and 30% crit chance) unless in rare situations where you have a lot of rage and know you'll finish someone off with a scream/v throw?


should my goal always be to berserk up for guaranteed critcs? if so, does that mean spamming VS when rupture/rotation is on cd?


any other pointers?

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scream is not pointless, i use it often when people are running on me, or as a finisher when im already starting to move to the next target (if vicious throw didnt kill them)


its not a high priority ability for regular usage though, its situational (also good against marauders that obfuscate you, or other times your opponent has defensive buffs/debuffs)


the direct damage from rupture will apply a stack of deadly saber, but the bleed effects are separate


if you use rupture for your first stack of DS by the time you get it 3 stacked the rupture dot will almost be up


what i do is use rupture to apply the 3rd stack of DS, this makes both dots tick in sync with each other, and this way when you pop berserk you get the full benefit of the guaranteed crits over the course of 4.5 seconds, coupled with annihilate and VS or even choke you can actually get some very solid burst damage


and yes, your goal should be to use berserk as often as you can (its guaranteed crit for the next 6 bleed ticks, so try and make sure you will have at least 6 more ticks when you apply it) however i dont find it necessary to spam VS just to build fury


with deadly forms, short fuse and frenzy your fury building is pretty damn fast to begin with, you dont really need to go out of your way to generate it for its own sake (unless you are out of combat spamming a talented sweeping slash to build it for the start of the next fight) even without berserk your bleed crit rate is somewhere in the 40-50% range


id be more concerned with keeping your DoTs, annihilate and battering assault on CD, fury takes care of itself pretty quickly in most cases

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I leveled since ever since I had an AC as anni, so I'd like to think I could answer a few questions.


Force scream is essentially useless in an anni spec, especially considering the rage cost. Our entire rotation is built around having enough rage to constantly feed annihilate and pulverize procs from rupture, so rage is pretty much reduced to a skill only used when you absolutely cannot be in melee range.



Rupture is a separate bleed from deadly saber. It runs alongside your deadly saber bleeds instead of stacking with it, so the only thing you have to worry about with pulverize procs is clipping a previous rupture.


As for deadly saber itself, it is impossible to keep a 3 stack from falling off by timing your attacks to get it overlap with itself. People have tried, and the new deadly saber always wipes out the old stack and starts with 1.


Hopefully this has been clear so far.

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so what should our rotation look like? I currently do a charge, battering assault, deadly saber, rupture, annihilate, vicious slash rotation. Is this correct?


Do Deadly Saber while your char is in the air doing the charge. That way, when you land, Battering Assault will apply one charge right away. Deadly Saber I'm not crazy about either - cost to damage ratio is too high. Unless you expect the target to heal, or get heals, don't bother. Rupture on second or third Deadly Saber. Annililate when you can. Vicious Slash when you got nothing else to blow rage on, but keep an eye on your cooldowns. You do not want o blow all your rage on Vicious Slash only to have Deadly Saber/Rupture/Annihilate come off CD and have no rage to use them.

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You do not want o blow all your rage on Vicious Slash only to have Deadly Saber/Rupture/Annihilate come off CD and have no rage to use them.


yup, those are your top 3 priority damage abilities


as for a rotation, just about any other thread will tell you we dont really have a "rotation" so to speak


its alot based on how much rage you have going into the fight, how much fury, reacting to your opponents, popping defensive CDs, etc


but as a general rule what you want to try to do is keep your rupture, annihilate and deadly saber on CD at all times, and i prefer to apply DoTs before annihilate so i can use annihilate during the dots to make my damage pretty bursty

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So if rupture is off CD (before charge/DS/anni) - I should always go ahead and apply it right away. If it's then still on CD while the above rotation is back off CD, should i weave in something like crippling slash for my 3rd attach or VS to try to get rupture back off CD earlier and stack it along with the 3 stack of the DS?
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So if rupture is off CD (before charge/DS/anni) - I should always go ahead and apply it right away. If it's then still on CD while the above rotation is back off CD, should i weave in something like crippling slash for my 3rd attach or VS to try to get rupture back off CD earlier and stack it along with the 3 stack of the DS?


yup, unless your build doesnt have pulverize (some people find it uncessary, i happen to like it)


if you get dots on and then hit annihilate there is a good chance your rupture will be reset, so you use it again, (the dot alone has enough perks that you should use it even if it wont be syncd with berserk ... chance to heal, chance to gain rage)


it doesnt really matter if they are ticking at the same time, i try to make them do it when know im going to berserk so you get the 6 guaranteed crits in the shortest amount of time, make it pretty bursty when you add in normal rage spenders


if you really want to wait for both rupture and DS to be ready to go for your berserk then just camo or choke or build some rage for a few seconds to buy your dot CDs some time, then unleash everything

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VS to get rupture back off CD: soon as I apply rupture, does the bleed go against the 3 stack from deadly saber afterwards or is this a moot point because by the time you apply the 3rd attack to get the 3rd bleed the rupture expires anyway?


Rupture and Deadly Saber are completely separate bleeds. Your question doesn't make sense.



Is scream basically pointless to use b/c you're not getting the tree synergy ala rage (1 less rage cost and 30% crit chance) unless in rare situations where you have a lot of rage and know you'll finish someone off with a scream/v throw?


Yes, Scream is mostly pointless. The only time you should consider using scream is when you want to ensure immediate damage against someone who used a Defense buff (like an Operative who uses their 100% dodge buff, or a Knight/Warrior who uses Saber Ward, or a Marauder/Sent blinded you (Obfuscate/Pacify)). Scream, as a Force attack, ignores Block/Dodge/Parry/etc.


E.g.: The Operative healer you've been pounding on is running with 10% health and their 100% dodge buff, and will instant heal themselves for like 30% in a few seconds. You should Smash and then Force Scream. Both attacks bypass their defense. Your Choke is down because you used it as your 4th interrupt to get them down to 10% health and they broke the CC.



should my goal always be to berserk up for guaranteed critcs? if so, does that mean spamming VS when rupture/rotation is on cd?


Yes, but don't blow too much rage on VS. Make sure you will have enough for your next Deadly Saber and Annihilate.

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