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Is there ever a time that pvp is 1v1 besides in non-existent duels?


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I felt confident enough yesterday to start PVP but I was told there are only 3 maps. All the maps are groups of like 8 people all crowded together.


I know there is open world pvp because I chose a pvp server but gankers tend to travel in 2s and camp out the lower level areas.



Is there any 1v1 kind of pvp that is not dueling? Dueling would be fine but there isn't a place people crowd around to duel like in WoW on my server and I haven't heard of it on other servers either.



If this is true then it has a high impact on the choices made for skills since it is pointless to go optimal for just PVE.

Edited by RakeHoxven
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I dont think you can duel on the fleet which seems to be the place most people gather. Maybe you could try Ilum? That would probably be the second most populated area.


In warzones 1v1s actually happen more then you might think, especially in hutball where people tend to scatter around a lot.

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1vs1 happens all the time in warzones...


I also play a PvP server and had a LOT of random 1vs1 encounters whilst levelling. True you do sometimes get pairs or groups. But mostly not. Some of the most fun I've had on this game has been from things like that.

Last night I got bored of warzones. So I went Imp hunting on tattooine. I mostly left lowbies alone but found a surprising amount of level 50s to wail on.. With one guy, after we'd killed each a few times, we ended up having a cool chat for half hour or so. Good times.

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