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Bounty Hunter Healing?


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Hey guys I am fairly new to the game and im now level 17. I am a bounty hunter and chose to go merc for healing. In terms of pve healing at end game can a merc do it well compared to the others? I am not even sure who else can heal but I am just wondering in terms of sustainability can a BH do it well? I can only use rapid scan like 4 times before i max heat then I cant heal to well after that. It seems like its worse than using another mechanic like force or whatever. Thanks for the help!
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this belongs in the BH forum.


And BH healers at endgame are AWESOME. You're only 17, you don't have your whole toolbox yet.


The heat system is fairly simple once you understand it, and you need to weave rapid shots into your healing rotation, they're heat free.

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When Combat Support Cylinder is active, you can use Rapid Shots as a free heal on others. Rapid Scan should not be spammed like you're describing. You want to try to stay below 40 heat at all times. When below 40 heat, heat is cooled at a rate of 5 per second. At 40 - 59(?) heat, heat is cooled at a rate of 3 per second and it just gets worse the higher you go.


Right now, many people describe the Mercenary as a tank healer and the Sorcerer as a group healer. The Operative is the red-headed step child that BioWare forgot about.

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