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Call to Arms, stop the hacking!


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Last night after loosing eight warzones battles in a row, I finally gave up PVPing for the night. I am not sure how much longer I will continue PVPing with the current odds of winning.


Actions I have witnessed and view as hacks (If I am wrong and this is normal, please correct me):


Players with empty resolve bars can not be CC’ed.

Players jumping from the bottom floor to the goal line floor in Huttball (with no friendly or enemy players near the destination).

Note: These are actions I have witnessed during PVP matches, I wonder what they are hacking when other players can’t see them?

-Space Bot’s

-Leveling Bot’s, doesn’t seem like much on the surface, but consider the Legacy System.

-Crafting Bot’s




Encourage other players to track and report players that are exploiting and/or hacking. These reports can be via fraps or other video capture devices. It’s understood that actions can not be taken without solid evidence.


• Give some kind of in-game benefit to deliver evidence. This could be as simple as a title or series of titles. The titles could also serve to discourage potential hackers that see the title from committing a crime.

• A PVP chest might also be a viable reward if the offense being reported is observed during a PVP match or while completing an open world PVP objective.


Players busted for hacking should have some kind of punishment to discourage continuing current behavior trends. I understand you don’t want to loose players, regardless of the situation, so I have the following suggestions:


• Place the convicted on a prison server. If they insist on hacking to advance in the game, force them to play against each other for a set period of time. Let the law abiding population catch up somewhat in PVP/Valor ranks.

• Remove X amount of PVP ranks each time a player is proven as an exploiter. I would prefer knocking them back down to rank 20, but I am not a member of the hacking fan club.

• Force them to wear some kind of temporary title so other players know to watch out for them.

• Make a public list of banned or reprimanded players. Why keep it a secret, most of us don’t want to form PVP or PVE teams with known hackers.


In summary fix the hacking and exploiting before it breaks this game. I truly enjoy the game and don’t want it to fall to the wayside as some other big named MMO’s did due to unchecked hacking and exploiting.


If players or developers are so blind to believe hacking is not happening and some players are just that good, go browse the hacking sites that I won’t list on this post, for fear it would increase its chance of being deleted. Many of these sites have posting boards and a ton of information is listed to persuade potential customers. Google the oblivious and you will be amazed.


Not all good or high level players are hackers. They should be among the most irate among the normal player base though.


What I have noticed from other MMO’s that did not keep hacking and exploiting in check:


1. Hackers hit max level PVP and clear all PVE dungeons prior to most players hitting max level.

2. Server population begins do drop and hackers have less normal players to take advantage of.

3. Hacking/Cheating sites get a revenue boost. Players start openly sharing that hacks are undetectable or not being checked for.

4. Server mergers.

5. More server mergers.

6. Too late to stop hackers, it would wipe most of the player base.

7. Dedicated players start looking for the next good thing as far as MMO’s.


It hasn’t happened recently?

Take a look at some of the more popular games released and majorly impacted by hackers over the last few years: XXXhammer Online, Age of XXXXX, XIFT. I played PVP in all three of the above and all three (in my opinion) were killed by hackers.

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Giving a title was an idea that crossed my mind too so others can know the person is a cheat or hacker.


Maybe not first attempt but if you get caught exploiting multiple times then label the account as habitual offender so they can be shunned lol.

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Giving a title was an idea that crossed my mind too so others can know the person is a cheat or hacker.


Maybe not first attempt but if you get caught exploiting multiple times then label the account as habitual offender so they can be shunned lol.

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  • 3 months later...

it's nice to hear another concern about this. i'm going to post another about this in the PvP area. Please comment.


FYI. I don't think everything you said is hacking. The long jump is a Jedi move isn't it? I'm not sure I'm only a Consular.

But there is lot's of hacking. I think there are only a couple kinds of hacks, than there are some glitches like how to queue 11 players and still win...just search on google (SWTOR hacks) and you will see.


I agree...i might give up Warzone's all together...on top of having to deal with mean people, and communicating etc. dealing with hackers is like a final nail in the coffin when you're trying to have some fun.

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the hacking is real and its more obvious on pvp,

BW need to take action and make this not happen, we deserve to have a fair experience on the online features of this single player game...


With the exception of the space game, and instanced story phases, there is no single player aspect to this game. Everything you can do, you can do with multiple players. Because you choose to play single player, or do not have enough friends to play multiplayer, does not make the game a single player game.

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it's nice to hear another concern about this. i'm going to post another about this in the PvP area. Please comment.


FYI. I don't think everything you said is hacking. The long jump is a Jedi move isn't it? I'm not sure I'm only a Consular.

But there is lot's of hacking. I think there are only a couple kinds of hacks, than there are some glitches like how to queue 11 players and still win...just search on google (SWTOR hacks) and you will see.


I agree...i might give up Warzone's all together...on top of having to deal with mean people, and communicating etc. dealing with hackers is like a final nail in the coffin when you're trying to have some fun.


True. I just googled SWTOR Hacks, and there were ALOT of results.

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  • 1 month later...
LOL, I just reported a player for the SECOND day in a row. Nothing happens. Bioware, just let people hack (like they aren't letting them already?) so it will be FAIR on some freaking level. This sux and I wish I had my money back! If I had known how bad it was going to be, I would never had gotten this game. I will do much research into my next game purchase and I am SO sorry I didn't prior to purchasing this HACKFEST! Money is the only object to Bioware and the hackers' money is good enough for them. sad.
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...FYI. I don't think everything you said is hacking. The long jump is a Jedi move isn't it? I'm not sure I'm only a Consular....


Knight/Guardians have two variants of Force Leap: Force Leap, and Guardian's Leap. Force Leap takes you to an enemy player character; Guardian Leap sends you to the side of a friendly player. Both moves require a target.


If a Guardian or Juggernaut is "Force Leaping" to an empty spot, it's a clear hack.


By the way, there should be no need to save a FRAPS video of the incident. The admin tools in this game record everything. Best thing you should do if you see what you think is a hack is to stop in your tracks and write a Customer Service ticket immediately, so a CSR can go into their toolbox and save the data.

Edited by Spectus
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