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When does PVE get an emergency patch?


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Just get rid of pvp. Reallocate the resources to better things.


I'm valor rank 58 on my toon and i agree 100%, i only pvp since im tired of running those bugged flashpoints. Today we where doing foundry just to take a fast one to complete daily, and the first thing that happened was that it dropped some BoP lvl37 item?,,,,in HM...really!

And if that wasnt silly enough the HK-47 boss was bugged and one shot our tank 5-6 times until we got lucky and it didnt bug... so the quick run we where suppose to do coz lack of time, we used half the time running back to the boss...


So when we finally finished the FP, i decided to pvp some b4 i logged just to get a little closer to my valor rank 60... and to complete my daily...but when i hoped it was enough annoying bugs for one day...


Voidstar was the first i got, that one i lost coz this pubs guy stood at the door planting a bomb and i couldnt target him...and my aoe didnt hit him (so the wall hack yes)...


the next was huttball that i was ***** with my fellow randoms with 12k hp against some premade...and when i finally won the next one (also huttball)...it didnt count...


So what these patches actually do fix i do not know, coz most of the bugs i have seen the last month is still there.


So BW, plz...remove pvp and fix pve so you could atleast have a decent game. Instead of failing hard trying to do both things.

Edited by Sjofel
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This is the difference between mature adults who play PVE content and you. I would never dream of invading or even posting in a PVP thread about bugs or the need for patches, yet you feel the need to come into ours with your epeen wagging crap to basically create confrontation.


Pretty much this is why PVP needs to be removed from SWTOR, not because of the mechanics but because of the people who play it.


oh so since i pvp im not mature, whos being elitist now? i love how people like you talk **** on pvp and say its not important but get all angry when someone comes in to defend it and insult them. ironically you are exactly who you frame me to be


That's fine, as long as you don't mind adding quest givers and roleplay elements to Battlefield or Call of Duty. Because I feel that these games should be about the questing experience, not killing people.


thats fine, you can take the single player and make it the multiplayer experience you always wished it would be, there would still be pvp and we'd all be happy right?

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oh so since i pvp im not mature, whos being elitist now? i love how people like you talk **** on pvp and say its not important but get all angry when someone comes in to defend it and insult them. ironically you are exactly who you frame me to be




thats fine, you can take the single player and make it the multiplayer experience you always wished it would be, there would still be pvp and we'd all be happy right?


Just can't stay away from the thread can you , always have to win.


You are the exact person that gives PvP a bad name , welcome to stereotype.

Edited by Brakner
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We have issues too you know.


Hardmode flashpoints still don't award social points or dark/light points. Some of the operations and flashpoints have bugs, especially Directive 7 with it's never-ending clone replication.


PVE has progression-halting bugs, but we never get emergency patches to fix it, why do PVP'ers always get emergency patches if their progression is halted for even a day?


I would suggest it is for two reasons.


First, the PVE bugs are not ... highly visible. Most people do not raid. Casual players will never ever run into the raid and hardmode flashpoint bugs since by the time they start raiding they will be fixed. Even the regular ops with bugs are likely to only affect some and not all.


PVP on the other hand is accessible to everyone past level 10. And PVP attracts a large percentage (but not all) of people who's tendency is to , shall we put it, wail?


The second reason is word of mouth. Bioware can claim whatever it likes but no company wants to be saddled with a perception for having "bad PVP" when that is one of the three end-game things "mainstream MMO" gamers look for. Bioware knows it has a lock on it's casual, storyline entranced crowd already with little to no further effort needed.


TL;DR, story people aren't going to unsub over bugs, PVP people have and will. $$$.

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Agreed OP agreed. For a game thats so PvE based I was so suprised that at 50 guess whats the fastest and easiest way to get gear? PvP, *** right? And every 1 on the server i was on only did pvp.../fail left that server :) now theres like 5 ppl there. You do it to youself. PvE is more important then pvp bioware make it that way.PvP in this game can take a back seat. Because people have to wait a lil longer for their champ bags, so what? make them wait.PvE ftw imo.
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We have issues too you know.


Hardmode flashpoints still don't award social points or dark/light points. Some of the operations and flashpoints have bugs, especially Directive 7 with it's never-ending clone replication.


PVE has progression-halting bugs, but we never get emergency patches to fix it, why do PVP'ers always get emergency patches if their progression is halted for even a day?


Hardly progression halting, Its way too easy to get loot in this game, if you cant get it from one place its rehashed in 3 others.


AKA cant get your pants from D7 dont worry they will drop in Normal Ops And HM ops (columi)


Or you can get it from commendations as well. Aside from rakata every piece of gear you can get from doing something else. I think its a terrible system im not trying to defend it. I just thought it was funny when you said progression halting since progression is so damn easy in this game for pve.

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I would suggest it is for two reasons.


First, the PVE bugs are not ... highly visible. Most people do not raid. Casual players will never ever run into the raid and hardmode flashpoint bugs since by the time they start raiding they will be fixed. Even the regular ops with bugs are likely to only affect some and not all.


PVP on the other hand is accessible to everyone past level 10. And PVP attracts a large percentage (but not all) of people who's tendency is to , shall we put it, wail?


The second reason is word of mouth. Bioware can claim whatever it likes but no company wants to be saddled with a perception for having "bad PVP" when that is one of the three end-game things "mainstream MMO" gamers look for. Bioware knows it has a lock on it's casual, storyline entranced crowd already with little to no further effort needed.


TL;DR, story people aren't going to unsub over bugs, PVP people have and will. $$$.


Id hardly say little to no effort lol they spent 6 years making the leveling process and crammed end game in at the last second.


Unless your talking about little to no effort to keep these players because they are still probably leveling up.

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