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Positive Coments? anyone....


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I love WZ. They are all fun and i like the gear system.


I just wish they had more medals for objectives, which they are doing so thats cool.




Illum... mmmm, its hard to do open world pvp correctly. Its not the worst thing in the world.

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I love warzones on all four of my characters (Powertech - 50, Marauder -50, Sorcerer - 34, Operative - 27) and look forward to completing the dailies every day. Much more so if I can run with members of my guild.


Ilum is only particularly active on my server (Shii-Cho) during the first few nights of the weekly reset so I rarely go. I'm not a fan of the framerate hit on objective update, the needlessly expansive zone (considering everyone zergs two, three areas tops at any given time) or the simple truth that the size of the zerg is all that matters. I'm on the more populated faction (Empire), but the fact that the combat there is so simple and unimaginative makes it a bit boring to me. That's one daily and weekly I haven't done for two weeks. I don't expect to return to it any time soon.


But for Ilum, that's just me. People on my server take part in it, so it works to an extent. At the very least, there's no camping at the main faction bases like on some servers.


That said, still greatly enjoying the rest of the game and am looking forward to future developments for Ilum.

Edited by lJustAlexl
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Does anyone other than me enjoy wz's?


Does anyone like Ilum? If so, why.


Please keep negative comments to EVERY OTHER THREAD on this forum.


If you dont have the gear, WZs are the land of suck. If you do, they are fun. Its all about the gear.

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If you dont have the gear, WZs are the land of suck. If you do, they are fun. Its all about the gear.


I disagree. It makes a difference, but not a huge one. I hit 50 on my alt 2 days ago and jumped right into warzones with mostly level 40 pvp gear and some random blues I crafted or found questing.


I had a blast and was 2nd highest damage on my team.

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I enjoy WZs. I have only gone to do Ilum Open World PVP once so far. It was pretty fun though. There were about 20 or so of us Imperials and every now and then a group of eight to ten Rebels would come in. Made for some nice little battles.


I didn't really enjoy WZs at first because literally I was always getting thrown into Huttball. I was getting kind of bored of it to be honest. Recently though I've gotten a good mix of all three and I actually prefer Huttball now. It's kind of neat to have a sort of Sport in the Star Wars world.

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Positive comment--


They did a good job with PvP tanking. Actually, a REALLY good job.


Care to elaborate on what you mean.


I am a tank, and its fun at times, but you definitely need a team to play with as a tank. If the team does not have you covered as in with heals, then you will die too quickly before living long enough to use the next round of cc's.


I normally jump in and use all my cc's and try to jump out since no one is ready to heal me.


The problem imo with this game is they made pvp like in other games which is of course is a team sport meaning other teams that are coordinated have a huge advantage against a team of solo que people.


That of course is something they can't avoid all the timed, but a match maker should even it out with similar classes. For example allow certain groups to be just dps/tanks against dps and tanks if they are solo quers. It makes it more solo friendly imo.


Also it helps to have ratings and playing in a group that is in your rating against others of your rating. This adds another level of competitiveness in the game.


If this game took pvp to the next lvl as they should have, they could have pvp competitions hosted by advertisers and serious gamers. Well, maybe that will happen anyways.


So, pvp is fun, but it needs the right circumstance such as playing with a group that knows you. I think that is a major situation that makes a difference since getting heals makes the game feel different. Heals and buffs.


No comment on Illum.

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PvP is fine. Only valid complaint is lack of PvP content. Those crying about lvl 50 PvP being too hard/unbalanced are just bad.


I think the issue is playing solo, and not getting support from their group with heals. Also probably not playing near thier group as well.


edit: I also agree about wanting more content.

Edited by VegaPhone
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Ilum? Positive? OK. The positive thing is, Bioware thought they could make it work. Very positive of them. Too bad it was a bad idea. It didn't work for WoW's Wintegrasp, it didn't work in Aion's Abyss, it didn't work in Darkfall/Mortal/UO/EVE, etc., and it didn't work in SWTOR. I don't know why this still surprises people.


Bioware has been under the impression that people pvp, just to pvp. That was their mistake.


I definitely feel bad for you, Wintergrasp was always a war on my server. That said, there's a major difference between Wintergrasp and Ilum and that's the Raid that came with the place that possibly granted free raid/pvp gear or a mount. That's -why- Wintergrasp (and even tol borad despite the plummeting subscription numbers) was heavily contended all week long. By the end of the week, people just wanted to prevent the other faction from "winning" it from them. Lets not forget that each of those areas had vendors that sold WG/TB token items which, again, is a reason to be there.


People need a reason to be there in MMOs these days. It's not like the good ole days of South Shore // TM battles where there was absolutely no point to butchering each other back into their respective towns. (and then someone would always civie kill and the pissed npcs would army mow down half the raid) You were there because you wanted to PVP and that was good enough.


Ilum can still be great, but it's really up to the players to make it awesome until Bioware gives more incentives.


Some ways to make Ilum better:

Cannons and bases need to have a reason to be there. Right now, there's really no point to them. This forces everyone to the center of the map and completely wastes every inch of "pvp zone" that isn't central assault. Holding specific areas should grant extra resource nodes or "special bosses" that contain specific crafted recipes/mods/COLOR CRYSTALS (people love the **** out of these) in each of the specific zones. If anyone remembers the old days of Doom lord Kazaak or even the world dragons, I'm sure you remember the wars that went off around them. Open pvp + World bosses = pure chaos and usually ends up with a lot of dead people. There also needs to be some kind of bolster system to help the lower faction side even up with the ratios.


All of the above can also be applied to Devil's den (is that even the name of it?) on Tatooine which right now is a complete waste of map space.


@ OP. I love the pvp in the game and have a great time playing it. Huttball absolutely needs more maps//arenas though, I think they have a great future there.

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Team-based PvP requires Support classes to have teams to be strong? HOLY ****


- humanity for you


notice how there is a solo que button. BW put it there. so not all warzones should not be so dependent on the team. Thats the point since playing with a random group means the team is not coordinated, or wont even have all the right classes. I am not saying people should be able to play the game without their team, but crazy people make crazy assumptions... are you mad bro?


there should be more warzones, and some of those warzones have smaller teams allowing for different gameplay.


this game spent millions of dollars to only have 3 warzones.


Thats the problem.

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- humanity for you


notice how there is a solo que button. BW put it there. so not all warzones should not be so dependent on the team. Thats the point since playing with a random group means the team is not coordinated, or wont even have all the right classes. I am not saying people should be able to play the game without their team, but crazy people make crazy assumptions... are you mad bro?


there should be more warzones, and some of those warzones have smaller teams allowing for different gameplay.


this game spent millions of dollars to only have 3 warzones.


Thats the problem.


The solo queue is there if you don't have anyone to group with at the moment, but you damn well should be prepared to play as a team when you find yourself in a group after the queue pops.


Honestly, I'm not sure why people don't get this. Yes, it takes some effort and sometimes it's not appreciated but if you're afraid of having a horrible experience in a warzone, step up and start suggesting strategies or asking the group what they feel like doing (especially this). I do it every single time I queue up and 9 times out of 10 everyone responds warmly to my suggestions or thanks me for going out of the way to assume a leadership role. The appreciation is multiplied if we win.


Communication goes a long way. If you're complaining that no one's talking, maybe you should start. People tend to pay attention to that.


It's an old phrase, but "You are the change you wish to see in the world." If you see a problem, make an attempt to address it.

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The solo queue is there if you don't have anyone to group with at the moment, but you damn well should be prepared to play as a team when you find yourself in a group after the queue pops.


Honestly, I'm not sure why people don't get this. Yes, it takes some effort and sometimes it's not appreciated but if you're afraid of having a horrible experience in a warzone, step up and start suggesting strategies or asking the group what they feel like doing (especially this). I do it every single time I queue up and 9 times out of 10 everyone responds warmly to my suggestions or thanks me for going out of the way to assume a leadership role. The appreciation is multiplied if we win.


Communication goes a long way. If you're complaining that no one's talking, maybe you should start. People tend to pay attention to that.


It's an old phrase, but "You are the change you wish to see in the world." If you see a problem, make an attempt to address it.


Thats a good point. Also that is a wise saying. However, a rating system would help, and warzones for smaller groups 2vs2, 3vs 3, 4 vs 4.


Being a team leader all the time with people who are content just messing around can be a bit of work, which of course pays off.


However that would not be a problem if there were warzones of smaller groups. That way it allows people to see also the difference of small group pvp, and large group pvp and learning to appreciate both by playing both differently instead of playing a team warzone as a solo player.


So by having more war zones and giving people a choice it also consolidates people to thier play style as well. So if I don't feel like organizing a group, then I can just play 2 vs 2 and wing it for example. It helps random groups to be more effective, and people who dont want to organize something and just have fun without the team mechanics requiring a bit of organization this option would be great.

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Thats a good point. Also that is a wise saying. However, a rating system would help, and warzones for smaller groups 2vs2, 3vs 3, 4 vs 4.


Being a team leader all the time with people who are content just messing around can be a bit of work, which of course pays off.


However that would not be a problem if there were warzones of smaller groups. That way it allows people to see also the difference of small group pvp, and large group pvp and learning to appreciate both by playing both differently instead of playing a team warzone as a solo player.


So by having more war zones and giving people a choice it also consolidates people to thier play style as well. So if I don't feel like organizing a group, then I can just play 2 vs 2 and wing it for example. It helps random groups to be more effective, and people who dont want to organize something and just have fun without the team mechanics requiring a bit of organization this option would be great.


I'll support this. To be frank, I don't think there's anything wrong with more alternatives to PvP. Those who don't like the smaller group warzones simply won't participate. If people are concerned this will detract from the queue times for the standard warzones, I'm afraid to say but that's really a server issue. Shii-Cho has never had queue time issues at any time of the day, though it is one of the more populated servers. If they ever start merging servers, queue times shouldn't be an issue any longer.


They'll probably have to make sure they alter the rewards to reflect the amount of time spent in the matches too (though they already do that now), but I can see that working well.

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I'll support this. To be frank, I don't think there's anything wrong with more alternatives to PvP. Those who don't like the smaller group warzones simply won't participate. If people are concerned this will detract from the queue times for the standard warzones, I'm afraid to say but that's really a server issue. Shii-Cho has never had queue time issues at any time of the day, though it is one of the more populated servers. If they ever start merging servers, queue times shouldn't be an issue any longer.


They'll probably have to make sure they alter the rewards to reflect the amount of time spent in the matches too (though they already do that now), but I can see that working well.


Thats why the other solution to server mergers is to draw from regional servers instead of just one.


It makes more sense when having a rating system. With more players in the each division the players can be better segregated based on skill.


As far as I know there is no rating system, and BW was even talking about working on a rating system. So what happened to that? They must have had a decision change realizing that a rating system segregates the population too much and it wont work... then that is why they should have a regional pool of players to draw from several servers.


Is it really game breaking to play pvp against players from a different server? If the trade off is great pvp... I say its worth it. It will introduce a rating system, and more competition that way. At this point pvp is alright, but it needs to be more.


So I am going to browse the suggestions forums and pvp forums and hope some great ideas are posted and BW uses that as feedback to make great changes soon. Anyways , back on topic, PVP is fun, but it needs variety.

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