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Why do people give MVP to the worst player.


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I was surprised by and like the MVP voting system. I typically use my vote for people who showed some kind of leadership during the mission, communicated with the rest of the team or pulled off a clutch goal. Ninja a node you'll get my vote, guard the doors rather than 1v1ing people, you'll get my vote, run the huttball, you'll get my vote.


That being said what makes the MVP system nice is that people vote for their own reasons, some people pick at random... guess that's their prerogative.

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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


I have no idea how objective points are counted but imo it is pretty messed. A lot of times for an example, I would ninja plant the bombs on void star and blow up like all three doors and I would earn minimal amount of objective points. By doing this, I earn minimal amount of medals AS WELL because I spent all that time planting but contributed the most in the game. This is one reason why I vote for person with low damage/healing etc.


Another example is on huttball. I'm a scoundrel and the only useful contribution I can possibly do other than stack medals is camp their goal in stealth. I basically sacrificed all my medals (damage count etc.) to help the team win. I obviously deserve some MVP votes.

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I don't give my vote to the person who already has top medals. I give it to someone who contributed a lot but didn't end up earning a lot of medals. They need it more. This is sometimes another healer, but it could also be someone who was the lone defender at a turret, or someone who peeled a lot for me so that I could heal better.


I don't just blindly give it to the top healer either. Big numbers aren't necessarily the best indicator of the best performance. For instance, there's an operative healer on my server who just rolls hots on whoever happens to be in range......and then he just farms kills for medals. He'll end up with 200k heals and 100k damage, but I never see him running with the ball carrier escort or chasing down the enemy ball carrier. He doesn't bother to heal people who are getting focused down. He just farms kills and throws hots on anyone who is in range. I don't blame him. The game rewards him for playing that way. I just don't kid myself into thinking that he necessarily contributed all that much to the win.


Also, I know from experience that the objective count is weird. I can run back and forth between our nodes, healing like a crazy person to keep my teams up through the zergs in Alderaan and end up with a low objective score. I'm not sure how the game counts these points, but I think it might be because I'm the one healing the interrupter rather than being the interrupter. If I wanted to farm objective points, I guess I could forego healing altogether and spend that time using my DPS abilities to interrupt, but that would mean that our team might have a much worse chance of winning.

Edited by belialle
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I have no idea how objective points are counted but imo it is pretty messed. A lot of times for an example, I would ninja plant the bombs on void star and blow up like all three doors and I would earn minimal amount of objective points. By doing this, I earn minimal amount of medals AS WELL because I spent all that time planting but contributed the most in the game. This is one reason why I vote for person with low damage/healing etc.


Another example is on huttball. I'm a scoundrel and the only useful contribution I can possibly do other than stack medals is camp their goal in stealth. I basically sacrificed all my medals (damage count etc.) to help the team win. I obviously deserve some MVP votes.




I've done the same thing and scored 4/6 goals that wouldn't have been scored otherwise (team got knocked into pit)


I got < 20k damage, but completed the round in 4 minutes tops -- I think I deserve some credit for my efforts. if the MvP votes were instead called "E-peen" votes, then I'd probably say they should go to the guy with the highest numbers.

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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


I give them to Healers first that I know were doing their job. In the case of no healers (or a healer that just never seemed to heal me), I give them to people with the highest Objective in Alderaan and Voidstar, as that person was at least defending a node/fighting by the door.


Huttball + No healers, I'll vote for the highest damage if we win... and no one if we lose. Huttball, objective seems completely freaking random. I once scored 2 of our goals in a game, got 400 objective.

Edited by McVade
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Because some people do the unpleasant tasks needed to win that don't contribute to the total damage/healing/etc done?!?!


Like.. guarding the left door when the Imps Zerg right every time. Only "points" come from the occasional reconnaissance in force or stealthy who tries to sneak cap.


Or, taking the west or east gun and guarding it. The ones fighting mid will get all the damage/protection/healing and unless your side is super-hot your activity will be much less.

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Why do people give MVP votes to the worst player in the game?


I usually end the game with top protection, top damage, and top objective but you know who gets the most mvp votes? The person with the lowest damage, healing, etc etc.


Do people purposely sort by stat and vote for the lowest rated player on the team? Why do they do this? It's not just one game, this happens almost all the time on my server.


i feel sorry for them, they need the gear more than you do

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I tend to give mvp votes to those who do alot of hard work for the benefit of the team even if they aren't "top" in everything. Infact some of the best players are those who give ops signals, who sacrifice their life to kill another player so someone in better position can move forward.


If your not working with the team or communicating with the team or leaping in to rescue a team mate or die trying..then your not getting my vote i don't care what your precious score is.

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