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Nuteral factions?


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I wont waste your time with how much i hate classes or the inability to choice your alliment ingame rather then starters bound.


Instead i will ask your opion on the lack of nuteral factions in most modern day mmo?


I know classes and factions are here to stay and there is no point longing to a working pre-classes swg game.


Instead i am asking who of you would like to see a nuteral faction in swtor?

I dont expect it to happen but who here would like to see a faction that isnt empire or sith(lets say hutt cartal) as playbol faction?(not to mention it suits smugglers and county hunters beter)


yes i know about eve online but i dont like to spend 7 days a week 52 a year flying from point A to B.


Perhaps if we get enought supporters bioware will add it(we can only hope)


P.s where is my driod race:P

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