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Ilum 2.0


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I've been thinking about ways to make Ilum better and this was what I came up with:


Get rid of the capture & hold objectives, fixed spawn points and get rid of player location notifications.


Simple really, because at the moment, all the fighting that happens all happens in the same place pretty much; Central Assault.


The actual Ilum pvp zone has tunnels, mountain passes, cliff edges, ice bridges, abandoned wrecks and some other cool scenery. Yet we never really get to make use of any of it.


Heres what I would do:


Get rid of:


Fixed spawn points depending on where you died

Control points which encourage predictable zerging

Player location messages




Random group spawnpoints (7 or 8 to keep the opposition guessing and everyone in group spawns in the same place)

Armaments that spawn randomly throughout the entire pvp zone (Hundreds of different random locations)

Randomly spawning "Group Valour buffs"


Theres so much potential there, but the static nature of spawns and control points make the pvp on Ilum tedious and predictable. It would be nice to be able to send cloaky scouts out on recon in order to find the enemy. You could make use of choke points and caves etc to set up ambushes. Fights would occur in different areas of the map, rather than the same place time and time again.


The group valour buff could be a half hour buff that gives you a 100% boost to valour gained or something, with a standard 150 valour per kill within the Ilum pvp area.


These are just ideas guys and gals and personally I think they would make Ilum a lot more fun. If you have any suggestions to tweak any of this, throw em out there. We need to give Bioware some ideas as to what we want from open world pvp.


We want to use the entire zone Bioware, not just one tiny area.

Edited by Barrechor
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I'd like to see an open world pvp area that offers no spawn.


Hear me out.... you go to some main hub for rep/imp and q up. When there are x number of players, you zone in and do an Alterac Valley style warzone where you basically fight for control of the area, destroy something or defend something.


When someone dies, that's it... So that it ends up being a fight to the death. It could be like an arena but with objectives, where objectives award more points than just killing the opposing team (so they don't get ignored etc.)


Think of it like the search and destroy missions from FPS games.


You'd need to make it so wait times aren't too long, you can spectate as a ghost or something or a holo.

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An interesting concept, but I think that would be something they would have to add later maybe. I like the idea of the whole "Hardcore" 1 life and youre out thing, but in a large open world pvp area it would really drag things out.


A large scale warzone like that could be really good however.

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Sounds good.


I havent got that far in the game yet so I can't really say much here. But, I hope they never make warzones similar to the game play wow offers; If it was a brand new style, it would bring more interesting game play. Rather than copy an existing method of PvP game style and have the fanatics screaming "WoW copy" 10 fold, why not make your own? I mean, even if they created something slightly similar to wow, people think it's blasphemy.


I heard someone talking about how similar SWTOR's warzones are to wow's warzones...

I didn't realise wow's warzones had speeders and behemoth canons firing at the enemy drop ship? Or perhaps they are refering to the domination aspect of the game? But then again, before wow was created domination was more than a common PvP game, even Halo has it. So why do people say "Oh noes they copied wow?!"


I think if Bio listen to their players and work hard, they could make PvP warzones amazing.

Edited by Jupit
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I'd like to see an open world pvp area that offers no spawn.


Hear me out.... you go to some main hub for rep/imp and q up. When there are x number of players, you zone in and do an Alterac Valley style warzone where you basically fight for control of the area, destroy something or defend something.


When someone dies, that's it... So that it ends up being a fight to the death. It could be like an arena but with objectives, where objectives award more points than just killing the opposing team (so they don't get ignored etc.)


Think of it like the search and destroy missions from FPS games.


You'd need to make it so wait times aren't too long, you can spectate as a ghost or something or a holo.


Yeah just make 500 vs 500 Huttball


a big shield pops around the ball, only 15 players on each team are allowed inside the bubble, the bubble is centered on the ball

Edited by Shrug
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See it: My Ilum Map


Yeah, this is pretty advanced stuff which would take a lot of time to implement. Some very nice ideas however.


The changes I listed above are just stuff to make Ilum more fun in the short term. Theyre not monumental changes and I'm sure they could be implemented within a month or so.


Your longer term model is interesting though.

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I think both you and the person who responded to your post with his own plans have both great things going. They genuinely sound like scenarios I'd like to play in.


However we all know this is BioWare -AUSTIN- we're dealing with. In all likelihood they don't even care to entertain these ideas you're giving.


That said though I still want to voice my support as well for both of your plans. I have my doubts the developers can get over their conceitedness to listen, but know that me and many others have read this and appreciate this proactive contribution to the community!


Thank you both!

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I think both you and the person who responded to your post with his own plans have both great things going. They genuinely sound like scenarios I'd like to play in.


However we all know this is BioWare -AUSTIN- we're dealing with. In all likelihood they don't even care to entertain these ideas you're giving.


That said though I still want to voice my support as well for both of your plans. I have my doubts the developers can get over their conceitedness to listen, but know that me and many others have read this and appreciate this proactive contribution to the community!


Thank you both!


No probs, and thanks for your positive comments.

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