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What games should I get my gf to play?


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My gf and I are moving in together and I was wondering what games I should get her to play. She has been a nintendo girl and Ive been just about everything else so any ideas on which games I should start her off on and work her way up.
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My gf and I are moving in together and I was wondering what games I should get her to play. She has been a nintendo girl and Ive been just about everything else so any ideas on which games I should start her off on and work her way up.


Simple. Sports games first. If she likes that, move her onto simple RPG. Then MMO. Otherwise, way too complicated and will get intimidated.

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My gf and I are moving in together and I was wondering what games I should get her to play. She has been a nintendo girl and Ive been just about everything else so any ideas on which games I should start her off on and work her way up.


Trying not to get in trouble for playing all evening? lol


Lost cause dude. Just do the dishes the next day, maybe throw in a load of laundry also to offset ignoring here in the evening to raid. Besides, you don't want her sitting on her *** all day, unless you think it isn't big enough.

Edited by jmdatcs
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Most female gamers ive come across play, or have played, WoW. They always roll night or blood elves, usually priests or druids, and have weak *** character names..

It's not their fault tho.. girls just don't know anything about being cool. Even the cool gamer chics are only cool in comparrison to non-gamer chics.

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My gf and I are moving in together and I was wondering what games I should get her to play. She has been a nintendo girl and Ive been just about everything else so any ideas on which games I should start her off on and work her way up.


Final Fantasy or Mass Effect. Worked on mine. Beware, though. If you only have 1 gaming capable computer at your place, you may find yourself kicked off at times ;)

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