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Flesh out Sith Corruption more


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You guys have untapped potential in how you can make dark side/light side alter your character. At this point it's horribly bland and a lot of the dark side to light side choices don't even fit in moral grey areas they're downright bizarre. However, what I am getting at is allowing Sith corruption to work more for your spells as well as just, if you're bad you become pink instead of red and your eyes go red like that time Anakin got dismembered and rolled down the hill.


So, say for instance you're a Jedi Consular, but you go dark side, it should alter your spells to reflect that of a Sith Inquisitor and vice versa, so your telekinetic throw becomes Force Lightning, same with Sentinels, stasis becomes force choke, Troopers become bounty hunters and vice versa. You can obviously toggle this feature off, and you will still be a Jedi Consular, just your spells will more reflect your sinister nature.

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I totally agree. This could be really fun. But is it implementable? It sounds potentially game unbalancing. And at what point would Jedi abilities/spells become Sith abilities (and vice versa)? At Dark/Light 2? 5? 10?


I do think it would be way cool and really fun to play a Sith Warrior who finds the light and starts throwing Stass instead of Force Choke, or Jedi Consular who falls and starts using Lightning instead of Telekenisis.


Is this even possible BioWare?

Edited by DarthPlague
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I mean it wouldn't unbalance the game at all, the difference between both races is cosmetic, and it would ultimately have to be something you would unlock at Dark or Light side 5, so it's a goal to get there instead of just some mindless trek picking the blue instead of the red.
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I mean it wouldn't unbalance the game at all, the difference between both races is cosmetic, and it would ultimately have to be something you would unlock at Dark or Light side 5, so it's a goal to get there instead of just some mindless trek picking the blue instead of the red.


You are right. I've looked at the mechanics. It should be an easy cosmetic fix. I'd pay cartel coins to unlock that!

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Is a interesting idea

currently I play a red twilek at darkside 1 it looks insane with the orange eys and red skin any further it turns a offshade pink

one cosmetic thing id love to see is the abilty to scale back the look of darkside corruption to lower levels even if you are 5

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