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Focus Guardians Best Situational Rotations PvP


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Fellow Focus Guardians


I was wondering what most of you are running for your opening rotations with all your CD's. I'm going to assume that you have over 400+ Expertise as this seems to be the magic number when it comes to survivability and good damage.


Currently I have 498 expertise working towards Battlemaster.


I like to open with Saber Throw>Force Leap>Force Exhaustion> Force Freeze" (if there trying to run)>Sunder Strike>Force Sweep>Dispatch.


If there particularly geared or wearing heavy armor I like to add a force push after the Force Exhaustion then force leap then force sweep Dispatch. I always try and have a stack of sunder armor before I dispatch but because PvP is so fast paced I don't always have a sunder stack.


Sometimes you have to work really hard for the kill and add in Stasis then dispatch. It really is situational as there is really no one rotation it depends on the person your fighting


So lets see em your fav rotations and why. :D

Edited by Ceasaigh
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Combat Focus, Saber Throw, Force Leap, Master Strike, Force Exhaustion, (click Relic for increased Crit/Surge rating), Force Sweep, Blade Storm, Force Push, Force Leap, Force Stasis, Force Freeze, Blade Storm, Force Sweep.




You get that 3 second immobilize (fully specc'd in Stagger) after a Force Leap, use that Master Strike. If they CC break it, just go right to Force Exhaustion and continue with rotation.


Force Exhaustion first, as its cool down is much lower than Stasis. Also, Exhaustion is s snare, so you won't need to Force Freeze after an Exhaustion.


Get your Blade Storms in after your Force Leaps (If you have Momentum specc'd as I do).


Every situation is different. You may have to throw in an Awe every now and then when fighting multiples.


Also, in warzones: ALL Guardians whether your specc'd Defense, Vigi or Focus should be hitting your Challenging Call every time it pops when your in the middle of a fight with multiple enemies and you have your team mates nearby. It's an automatic 30% damage reduction on every one within 15m, and you take no damage for that. You only take damage for guarding someone.

Edited by Fliguy
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You get that 3 second immobilize (fully specc'd in Stagger) after a Force Leap, use that Master Strike. If they CC break it, just go right to Force Exhaustion and continue with rotation.




I never realized this. The 3 seconds of immobilize is the perfect time to let loose a Master Strike. I will start doing this. I usually save Master Strike for Snipers in cover mode or Mercs. doing their missile barrage.

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I never realized this. The 3 seconds of immobilize is the perfect time to let loose a Master Strike. I will start doing this. I usually save Master Strike for Snipers in cover mode or Mercs. doing their missile barrage.


looks good on paper but force leap doesnt always bring you next to a moving target, and if you start channelling master strike after a force leap you will do no damage but be locked in the animation.

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One of my favorite things to do, I call it the curb stomp.


Things required.


Enemy Player.

Some kind of Obstruction, eg a Wall.


PoP Adrenal, Force Leap, then Force Exaustion, Force Push Opponent against a close wall you are both near, Master Strike, Force Sweep, Blade Storm, Dispatch!



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My favorite combo every 3 min.


Combat focus/Saber throw > exhaust random target > pop all relics/buffs > leap into the enemy ranged group > Sweep


The reason for the exhaust before leap is so your sweep gets the 10% bonus from the 4 piece, and if you sweep the moment you jump most people cant knock you back in time or CC you. After the sweep I normally pop AOE taunt and Awe and CC the enemy healer.

Edited by Moddim
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