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do you plan on refunding me for your down time? well?


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seriously very pissed off here. You have like half the week in downtime. Why can't you get your **** together? It is like as if you are creating a game while selling it at the same time. Very annoying that I am paying you to be offline. Refund me part of my subscription if I can't play for half the week in patchtimes.


Do us a favor, pay attention in school, cause you failed at math I see.

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i guess im just hoping this is just a temperary thing,because of work its been very annoying trying to play when they decide to do down times.so for me its like, ya been working all day and just wanna play some star wars log on and its like a kick in the pants when u see another down time.
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To be fair It's in the tos that servers may not be available all the time.


Don't like it? Unsub stop paying them that precious 15$,


Also that math is completely correct, your idea that by patching for 4 hours a whole days worth of availability is gone is crazy.


It's a new mmo even more established mmos can have multiple maontenances in a week if the issue is big enough.


Yeah, what the f ever. Nice for you to sit in your cozy east coast snoozing at 3am in the morning while they do several patches a week. How about other people that come home from a long day of work to find they can't play and this to be happening 2-3 times a week.


I am really done listening to the east coast people say "oh i didn't notice anything" duh!


Yeah, I feel for people in Europe too as it is probably worse there for many people.



i guess im just hoping this is just a temperary thing,because of work its been very annoying trying to play when they decide to do down times.so for me its like, ya been working all day and just wanna play some star wars log on and its like a kick in the pants when u see another down time.




amen brother

Edited by RakeHoxven
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Yeah, what the f ever. Nice for you to sit in your cozy east coast snoozing at 3am in the morning while they do several patches a week. How about other people that come home from a long day of work to find they can't play and this to be happening 2-3 times a week.


I am really done listening to the east coast people say "oh i didn't notice anything" duh!


Yeah, I feel for people in Europe too as it is probably worse there for many people.


So if they moved the maintenance forward 12 hours and did it then, would you be happy?


Or if you dislike the notion that other people would suffer, would you prefer they didn't patch at all?


Or if you dislike the notion that other people would suffer from a degraded pvp experience, what would you have Bioware do?

Edited by Varangian
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With you OP 100%.


They said "once a week"


They lied.


People that dont understand the frustration and tell you to "go outside", don't worry aobut them. I'm not "going outside" at 3 in the morning eithor.


Some people work evenings, play at night/early morning, and sleep in the day. If people can't see the frustration they are just thick headed.


No Bioware shouldn't have to work around our schedules but what they do have to do is keep their word "weekly maintenance on Tuesday" and when they patch TEST the damn thing first!!


Anyone responding to this OP negatively that sleeps when the patch comes out has no business responding and should promptly be ignored.

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Thanks everyone. Hope you have a great night.



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