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Stat Priorities and diminshing returns?


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I am sure this has been covered somewhere, but I looked around the Guardian forums and couldn't find the info. Is there a point at which I want to de-prioritize defense or where I start getting diminishing returns from putting more points there? How much should I have in defensive stats like defense/shield/absorption before I grab some power to help with threat generation?
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I am sure this has been covered somewhere, but I looked around the Guardian forums and couldn't find the info. Is there a point at which I want to de-prioritize defense or where I start getting diminishing returns from putting more points there? How much should I have in defensive stats like defense/shield/absorption before I grab some power to help with threat generation?


I wrote a Theorycrafting guide not long ago:



I also have a Diminishing returns chart here for Defense, Shield and Absorb.



You'll probably never dive into power, unless you want to specifically leave out tanking stats - which is a viable option, but is completely up to you. Since we can't really measure threat at this point I don't think there are any breakdowns of how much power gives you what benefit for threat holding (unfortunately).

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Thanks, Malissant, you are a rock star. I was actually looking for that post of yours earlier and couldn't locate it.


I appreciate all of the theorycrafting you have been sharing with the community.


Yeah I am ;)


No problem, part of what I enjoy about a game is figuring out stuff - and this is a great forum to share it with people. All my stuff is always on my blog too if you're looking for something specific, linky in my Sig.

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To be honest, the theorycrafting is great, but it leaves out a pretty damn critical detail that can only be acquired through experience:


Past a certain point, you really don't need to become any tankier. Your healers will be able to heal you through enrages for a while (the rest of your group is another story if the boss has aoe) and boss damage will be pretty insignificant for the most part.


Once you're in full Columi gear, you really don't need any more shield/defense/absorb. It's a waste. You can argue that it'll make you easier to heal, but all it'll do is make healers overheal more.


Once you start getting Rakata gear, leave it as-is.


Yes, you'll lose tanking stats.


No, it won't matter at all.


The extra accuracy, power and surge from that set of gear will increase your threat, which is going to be a lot more important than your ability to survive a little bit more.

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I am nowhere near that point yet. I didn't necessarily think I was. I was just listening to a couple of my guild mates (a sage and shadow) as they were experimenting with the diminishing returns on crit and it made me wonder.


I know from their readings and the experimenting they did they found that crit rating over and above 400 or so starts to give diminishing returns and at that point it is advisable to start pouring points into power instead. I was wondering when and if that happens with defense/shield/absorb.

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I am nowhere near that point yet. I didn't necessarily think I was. I was just listening to a couple of my guild mates (a sage and shadow) as they were experimenting with the diminishing returns on crit and it made me wonder.


I know from their readings and the experimenting they did they found that crit rating over and above 400 or so starts to give diminishing returns and at that point it is advisable to start pouring points into power instead. I was wondering when and if that happens with defense/shield/absorb.

The diminishing returns for Defense is roughly around the time you'd hit 23-24% parry with Soresu active and the +6% bonus from the Defense tree-- I'm not sure what that translates to exactly.


However, since you get +6% from using ripose, your actual parry is going to be a lot higher in combat than out.


Right now in Columi + some Rakata gear, my tanky stats are, out of combat, unbuffed: 51% armor reduction, 22% parry, 35% shield chance and 43% absorb. This is actually high enough that even in Nightmare Mode, my healers have more trouble keeping the group alive through AoEs than they do keeping me topped off, so I wouldn't mind losing some more of those stats for extra threat.


My one wonder is WHAT would provide the most extra threat. Power? Crit? Surge? Assuming accuracy cap, anyway. Rakata gear has surge, but unless you're rolling a hybrid Vig/Def spec like I am, you won't get much use out of it.

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