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Laptop for TOR


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I am about to take a new job that will put me on the road a lot. What is a good laptop that will play swtor? I would like to know what ones work for you. I do not want to spend more then i have to. I just want to be able to play from the road. I do not want to over do it with more machine then I will need for this game.

I have an up to 2k budget I am looking at the Alienware M17x and the Toshiba Qosmio x775. If anyone has any other laptops that play the game well please let me know.




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No sympathy from me for the traveling. I am rarely home and have lived out of hotels for seven years. I run a gaming Vaio. I've had it for 2.5 years and still works great. Graphics are from low to medium but run 40 - 60fps. I would look into an Asus http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details_ss.asp?EdpNo=1822452&CatId=3998.


Also, you might want to consider some form of 3g / 4g connection. I run a Verizon Thunderbolt with 3g / 4g and I have it tethered with PDAnet that costs nothing extra as long as you have an unlimited data plan. You will find out that not all hotel 'high speed internet' is cracked up to what it's supposed to be. And surprisingly enough, even on a 3g connection I can sit around 100ms ping.

Edited by OtterNation
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