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Darth Bane vs Darth Plageuis


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First of all, let me say that this has intense spoilers from both the Darth Bane and Darth Plageuis Book(s). Read at your own risk.



So after having read all the Bane books and just finishing the Plageuis book, I was wondering what people thought of who was more powerful and who would win in a fight. I have a feeling that the majority will say Plageuis, but I disagree with that. Sure Plageuis was almost immortal, but he never really did anything extraordinary in combat. He was a political genius but was injured pretty badly by in my opinion, not much more than a gang. He also defeated Tenebrous while he was preoccupied with a world falling around him. Sidious killed him in his sleep so I guess we can't say whether or not he was more powerful than Sidious, but I don't think Plageuis would have stood a chance. Politically, he was a genius, but not a great warrior.


Then on the other hand, you have Bane who, pretty much single handedly defeated hundreds if not thousands of Jedi and Sith. He took down some of the best sith lords of the time down in one on one combat, I'd say he is much more powerful than Plageuis. Not as wise, but more powerful.

Edited by Bow-Wow-Wow
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Hmm, I'm leaning towards Bane but I think canonically Plageuis wins.



The RoT states the apprentice overcomes the master. So just by the Plageuis is suppose to be stronger. But I think Plageuis in the novel, showed pretty impressive tricks for taking damage using the Force. And he showed impressive lightsaber tricks but no official form or whatever.



This is what I honestly think.


Straight up, Bane wins.


But if Plageuis had the time to study Bane and learn about him, Plageuis wins.


In a campaign/Political War. Plageuis wins.



So overall since this is mostly a straight-up fight, Bane.

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Mindless movie fans will say palpatine. ppl who actually think for themselves would know that guys like Bane,Revan are much stronger.


That's just blind fanboyism.

There's not a shred of evidence to show that Bane or Revan are stronger than Sith who followed them. Especially Sith under Bane's Rule of Two.

The truth is, the Sith became stronger with each successful Apprentice. That's why Sidious was the most powerful Sith ever.


Therefore, Plagueis would defeat Bane.

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well honestly Plagueis was the stronger, his force supression is as great as Palpatine hiding in plain sight in front of powerful jedi masters like qui-gon and dooku.


He taught palpatine all about lighting and his precision with force powers was beyond great, in fact he was known to be able to disintegrate foes with the force much like Galen marek, Palpatine, and Vitiate.


His sith alchemy was soo great and his ability to manipulate the midichlorians allowed him to discover how to by pass even force resistant races, learning how to mind trick ynchorri and hutts and even said he could overcome ysalamari force negation. In doing so he learned how each species achieved their abilities and thus he himself could negate the force in others much like ysalamari.


Plagueis has collected almost all holocrons of the old sith, researched even old republic sith powers and literally was reaching a level of power that would transcend himself into a force god had Palpatine not betrayed him and killed him.


His only weakness was in his inability to predict sidious's betrayal or lies as he became so focused to gain his sorcery and alchemy powers that he no longer paid attention to the world around him.


His saber skills were soo great that he was never bested by palpatine in any training session and Palpatine was able to teach to maul juyo and ataru proficiently. Also Palpatine was able to go pound for pound with Windu and yoda in swordplay which speaks volumes for his master's skill.


If we were to take a fully aware plagueis at his peak of power which is right at the end of his life, he would have the the following advantages


Midichlorian manipulation = he could tell Bane's midichlorians to shut off or mind trick him into suicide with Bane having no abilities to counter it


Saber Profieciecy = His skills were unrivaled allowing him to defeat a dozen assassins who were trained in killing force users, killed a fully trained duelest that his own master trained for the sole purpose of defeating plagueis in combat, could out spar Palpatine who could go toe to toe with WIndu and yoda both considered cannon wise to be the greatest jedi swordsman of their era.


Force Stealth = his ability to hide his aura is second to none and even a jedi master on dooku's level could not even sense a glimmer of his power.



Basically anyone after bane is by cannon more powerful than Bane as they constantly are trained with All the knowledge of the previous sith master making plagueis the culmination of 1000 years of Sith teaching, and to this date the only master to learn how to alter the midichlorians of the force to the point of spontaneus creation of life (It is established that he was never successful however he was close enough that the Force responded in kind with the creation of Anakin which by the novel's own rules means he was at that point through the force's ability to counter balance darkside and lightside)


Palpatine's lightning took many shocks to kill plagueis who was healing fast enough to prologue his life against the lighting, in fact had his respirator not failed he more than likely would have not been killed by palpatine. (this was noted by palpatine himself as he made sure to damage all electrical components first as they were the only thing he couldn't regenerate at the time making his focus and concentration stunted to heal himself) If palpatine could admit to being weaker than plagueis and up until the 20 some years he had to become stronger and the strongest sith ever that speaks alot of volume especially seeing as many of plagueis' secrets were still never re-discovered

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well honestly Plagueis was the stronger, his force supression is as great as Palpatine hiding in plain sight in front of powerful jedi masters like qui-gon and dooku.


He taught palpatine all about lighting and his precision with force powers was beyond great, in fact he was known to be able to disintegrate foes with the force much like Galen marek, Palpatine, and Vitiate.


His sith alchemy was soo great and his ability to manipulate the midichlorians allowed him to discover how to by pass even force resistant races, learning how to mind trick ynchorri and hutts and even said he could overcome ysalamari force negation. In doing so he learned how each species achieved their abilities and thus he himself could negate the force in others much like ysalamari.


Plagueis has collected almost all holocrons of the old sith, researched even old republic sith powers and literally was reaching a level of power that would transcend himself into a force god had Palpatine not betrayed him and killed him.


His only weakness was in his inability to predict sidious's betrayal or lies as he became so focused to gain his sorcery and alchemy powers that he no longer paid attention to the world around him.


His saber skills were soo great that he was never bested by palpatine in any training session and Palpatine was able to teach to maul juyo and ataru proficiently. Also Palpatine was able to go pound for pound with Windu and yoda in swordplay which speaks volumes for his master's skill.


If we were to take a fully aware plagueis at his peak of power which is right at the end of his life, he would have the the following advantages


Midichlorian manipulation = he could tell Bane's midichlorians to shut off or mind trick him into suicide with Bane having no abilities to counter it


Saber Profieciecy = His skills were unrivaled allowing him to defeat a dozen assassins who were trained in killing force users, killed a fully trained duelest that his own master trained for the sole purpose of defeating plagueis in combat, could out spar Palpatine who could go toe to toe with WIndu and yoda both considered cannon wise to be the greatest jedi swordsman of their era.


Force Stealth = his ability to hide his aura is second to none and even a jedi master on dooku's level could not even sense a glimmer of his power.



Basically anyone after bane is by cannon more powerful than Bane as they constantly are trained with All the knowledge of the previous sith master making plagueis the culmination of 1000 years of Sith teaching, and to this date the only master to learn how to alter the midichlorians of the force to the point of spontaneus creation of life (It is established that he was never successful however he was close enough that the Force responded in kind with the creation of Anakin which by the novel's own rules means he was at that point through the force's ability to counter balance darkside and lightside)


Palpatine's lightning took many shocks to kill plagueis who was healing fast enough to prologue his life against the lighting, in fact had his respirator not failed he more than likely would have not been killed by palpatine. (this was noted by palpatine himself as he made sure to damage all electrical components first as they were the only thing he couldn't regenerate at the time making his focus and concentration stunted to heal himself) If palpatine could admit to being weaker than plagueis and up until the 20 some years he had to become stronger and the strongest sith ever that speaks alot of volume especially seeing as many of plagueis' secrets were still never re-discovered


Palp as an apprentice was not in his prime(His lightning, his saber skills and his force abilities were far greater when he became the Emperor and later when he became a clone). Other than that, I pretty much agree.

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