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Force Users Question


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According to the lore, there are a large number of force users who do not want to join the sith or the jedi. Is there a particular reason why these force users haven't rallied together in the Republic and requested their own city, or maybe a planet? Or would the jedi prevent this from occurring just as much as the sith?
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The Mirialan species of near-humans have a culture based on a fairly simple understanding of the Force, but with sufficiently sophisticated traditions and disciplines that the Jedi Council allows these customs to persist among Mirialan Jedi, who are trained as padawans by fellow Mirialans senior in the Jedi Order.


It is not suggested that all Force-sensitive Mirialans become Jedi, nor that all Mirialans are necessarily Force-sensitive, merely that cultural traditions on Mirial arose from some degree of Force awareness, independently of Jedi or Sith teachings.

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Not sure which part of Lore you're referring to, things within the current Old Republic game, or Star Wars lore in general.


Generally in SW Lore, if a group isn't rallying to a large organized government, its because they have a minor government of their own and they don't want what the other group has to offer.



The Voss are a bit like this in the game.

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According to the lore, there are a large number of force users who do not want to join the sith or the jedi. Is there a particular reason why these force users haven't rallied together in the Republic and requested their own city, or maybe a planet? Or would the jedi prevent this from occurring just as much as the sith?


I would imagine that the reason you don't see a whole lot of that going on, is because those groups already have their own civilizations, and aren't blood-thirsty conquerors like the Sith are.

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Voss is a prime example of what you are talking about. They are grey (neither dominantly light/dark sided) and independent of either faction. They fiercely protect their neutrality as the 'Pubs/Imps posture for favor of the Voss. However... outside Voss there is very little mention/interaction with grey/independent force traditions. In the EU (expanded universe) there are several force traditions outside Jedi/Sith, even among light/dark siders. I can't remember them all, but one planet has some group of self-called witches, they are female only dark siders. Their only connection with the sith is their use of the dark side of the force. These usually are not mentioned as much, because they are typically small/unorganized in nature- thus they have little influence on the galactic stage in general.


Yes, they could have woven more grey/independent force traditions into the stories of other planets... but this game is about two of the dominant super powers fighting for supremecy over basically philosophical grounds (might makes right of Imperials/Sith versus the liberties/freedom for all of Republic/Jedi). It is this tale that BW wants to tell, so it is this tale they weave. The independent force traditions would only be either A) a distraction or B) put in place as a larger part of this cold war (the voss are there to be courted/fought over by both factions).


So adding in more plots with non-aligned force traditions would basically just be repeats of Voss. However, I believe there would be some middle ground here. There could be "oh by the way" non aligned force users as quest givers/minor points of certain quests. They would simply be part of the greater star wars setting. Just as they cycle through races (when appropriate) for quest givers/NPC's, they should at least seed in other traditions. Maybe there is an order of force sensitive dark siders on a planet causing mischief, so a Jedi master showed up to at least make sure they didn't join the Sith/stop said mischief? Maybe a member of a grey order lost a friend/attacked by beasts, wants your help to clear a road back to a chapter house/town. Closest they ever came to this is the Green Jedi on Corelia, but I got the impression they were just a local fringe group within the larger order.

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Why would they want or need their own planet? They are force sensitive but are part of communities to begin with. I can see some force sensitive individuals who are outcasts because of their abilities looking for a place like that sure. But as a general home for people as an alternative to their birth planet/colony/whatever it seems to me that there isn't one because its not really necessary. There are also alternative force traditions other than the Jedi or they could just live their lives like anyone else.
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Assuming these force users don't harm anyone or try to use the force for evil, the jedi would be more or less uncaring. Atleast from my point of view.


There's an imperial quest on Balmorra where you run into a bunch of non-jedi force-users. The SIS guy there tries to tell you that they're "either too old, or too weak in the force" to really make it as a sith, so they're attempting to get them out of the empire into the republic. When you ask what their plans are for them, he says "We'll just get them a job farming dirt, or fixing machinery, or whatever they want to do".


If you're a force-user in the empire: Go to Korriban and become sith, or die in the process. Or be executed.

If you're a force-user in the republic: The jedi will probably at least make a token effort to recruit you, and if you turn them down they'll just keep a quiet eye on you. Just in case.

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