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Is Hemo a must take now for PVP (Anhi)?


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Hey guys, like the title says with the buff to Hemo is it a must take now?


I was rolling with: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrorfMzZhMMZ0M.1 pre patch.


I find:


2 Points in ferocity is amazing for team based play ( i pvp with a few guys) the speed increase for huttball and voidstar is awesome.


2 points in Phantom is also amazing, excellent to negate incoming damage, removing dots, running through fire etc.


2 points also in seeping wound may seem a strange choice but i quite like it as it saves a gcd and i often forget to put crippling up (l2p!)


What Annihilation builds are you guys using after the patch?


Also i dont raid so when re modding slots on gear to buff surge are these the best i can get? :


Advanced Assault Enhancement 22 http://www.torhead.com/item/5Sp3Txw/advanced-assault-enhancement-22


I can't find a Mod with surge on, guess im being blind or there isn't one?


Cheers guys.

Edited by CorruptedKiller
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Stagger isn't worth two talent points. Hemo is 15% dot damage, it's a must. Seeping wound is really not that great, but I can understand why you might want it. If you MUST have it, I'd pull one point out of Ferocity and one point out of Subjugation, though I wouldn't advise it.


Hmm i don't understand the amount of people who think having an innate slow on your main ability is bad...

As if saving GCD's and rage wasn't incentive enough.

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not to threadjack, but what do you guys think of "payback" in an annihilation build? I threw my left over points in to rage and got the crit on force abilities, shortened CD on ravage/force choke, and payback


I have it but I can't tell if it's that useful or not, it heals me for about 1200-1300

Edited by HBninjaX
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Hmm i don't understand the amount of people who think having an innate slow on your main ability is bad...

As if saving GCD's and rage wasn't incentive enough.


It's not the talent itself that's bad. It's the cost of not having something else.


Half the time you don't even need a slow at all, and when you do it's not that big of a deal to hit the slow that's almost twice as good as the one that you can trait. When Rupture was 15s long, a 30% slow on it was awesome. At 6 seconds? Meh.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, it's interesting to see the ammount of slight variation on builds - i guess it comes down to preference somewhat!


I think im going to try this : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrodfGzZhMM.1


If i miss the point blank charge to much i'll try this : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIrRrorfGzZhMz.1


What mods and enchancements have you used to re socket your bm/champ gear?

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Half the time you don't even need a slow at all, and when you do it's not that big of a deal to hit the slow that's almost twice as good as the one that you can trait. When Rupture was 15s long, a 30% slow on it was awesome. At 6 seconds? Meh.


imo the talent should be changed to your bleed effects hae a 50-100% chance to apply a 30% slow... Since rupture did turn useful now and all.

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