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Why is our Rakata armor gear so bad?


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I think at least half of the stats on all the PVE sets are jokes. I mean, we are DPS and healers... so why in all hells half of the items priorize ENDURANCE over cunning? When in PvE we get hit, we or the tank made something wrong. Endurance is nothing a DPS in PvE needs, or even wants.


I want decent mods/enhancements with crit/surge-combos, because those make sense. Not power/surge or even worse crit/alacrity. Accuracy/Power and Crit/Surge are the combos I want to see on the modifications, anything else doesn't make sense for us.


And please, just dumb the Patron Barrels in the weapons. My Gunslinger loses an awful lot of cunning because of this garbage, and since the patch which lets us pull out base-mods (barrel, armoring) out of token gear is still in the all too distant future, I'm really gimped.

Edited by Pack_master
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Don't forget, the Rakata are the species who think mounting their eyes on handlebars either side of their head is a sensible-looking evolutionary choice, and imprisoning the mind of their most dangerous megalomaniac *with* all the tools necessary to start up his own brainwashed cyber-army is strategically sound.


You expect them to be able to design sensible armour?

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There aren't many good set bonuses for Dirty Fighters either... increased duration of Smuggler = Wow!


Currently I'm wearing two pieces of Champion Combat Tech (I love Flyby, and I think the chest looks much better than the Enforcer version anyway) and two pieces of Columi Enforcer (because they are the only ones where the gloves and boots don't look silly, the boost to Backblast is useful in PVE just situation in PVP) plus a hidden Enforcer hat. I mostly chose those pieces, though, because when put together they look moderately ok. Naturally I also had to swap a lot of the mods around to give me lots of Crit, Surge and Power (my Accuracy is currently at 99% but as I rarely use white damage attacks it doesn't bother me too much to get that last %.

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