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Gadget PvP spec


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This is what I call my Gadget Commando spec for PvP. It is a mix of both Gunnery and AS, and is chosen to maximize my utility in warzones. I have found that it is very versatile and strong in terms of overall DPS. I submit this as nothing more than an alternative to full AS or Gunnery. /Bubbleshield


INTRO : The basics of this spec is that it contains both Grav Round and Incendiary Round. There are a lot of ways to tweak this spec because there are several ways to spend remaining points. The given spec is what I've tweaked it to based on my results. I do very well with this spec, both in general PvP DPS and in working to win warzones. While it would seem I may be lacking in DPS due to not having the top tier DPS upgrades, I have found that I have no problem hitting 1st or 2nd DPS in VS (which is usually the best wz to judge someone's dps ability). I also do well in PvE, having pulled aggro on Gharj 30 seconds into the fight.


ROTATION : My general rotation is Incendiary Round (IR), Grav Round, HIB, Full Auto, HIB, Grav, Grav,...


REGEN : Because I have High Friction Bolts and Special Munitions, my HIB cost is essentially 0. In the part of the rotation where I do HIB, FA, HIb, I'm actually regenerating. If you're wearing the PvE set, then you actually gain 1 ammo for using HIB. Cell Charger(1 ammo when 'rounds' crit every 3 seconds) works well because IR is a 'round'. This improves the AS side of this spec because IR costs 3 ammo, and this helps mitigate that cost a little. For my PvP set, I wear 2-piece Rakata for the 15% Grav bonus which also results in more ammo regen.


GADGETRY : For warzones, it's hard to beat this spec. With the 2-piece PvP set bonus + Concussive Force + Tenacious Defense I can knock-back 5 times every 30 seconds. That is crazy good for VS and Huttball. It's also great in general for keeping melee off you and your friends. Incendiary round is great for keeping people off nodes. I can dot and run around forever. Full gunnery doesn't have access to dots, aside from using plasma cell which is only 6 seconds. If I'm in VS against a tough team, I will switch to plasma cell and just run around dotting everyone. Sweltering Heat(AS snare) has its own uses as well. In VS when we get into the tunnels, I will switch to Plasma Cell and use it and KBs to hold the tunnels while someone runs to the next cap. If I'm soloing melee out on Ilum, I'll switch to Plasma and easily kite them, using KB whenever they use their distance closer cooldown. And on Huttball, it's great to slow opponents on both defense and offense. In the AS tree, I've picked up Nightvision scope which is a godsend against stealth classes. This makes them a lot more vulnerable to you compared to other classes. Lastly I've put the 2 points in Quick Thinking to be able to throw out a heal here and there which is an invaluable tool.


TWEAKS : As I mentioned previously, this spec can be tweaked a lot more than others. I can put more into AS if that's my playstyle, getting all the way up to Burnout if I like. I could also go minimal in AS and get all the way to Curtain of Fire in Gunnery. Before I specced into Grav Round, I rolled with Burnout and Concussive Force.

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Almost like my spec. I'm more assault, just enough for knockback in gunnery. High impact crits for over 3; and refreshes alot. Gonna try a medic assault combo. Shield would let me heal with no interrupt, remove snare and refresh quicker when I'm hit. Lose the gunnery tho Edited by Vaspyre
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I'm guessing you are using Plasma Round, which means this is my opinion:


Lack of Demo Round gives you less mobility.


Cell Charger over Deadly Cannon and no Rotary Cannon when you go 18 into AS and get Ionic Accelerator is also pointless. Remove points from Heavy Trooper, add into Deadly Cannon.


Degauss would be more effective for this build than Nightvision Scope. You will have to keep yourself standing due to lacking in some DPS Points.


The two points in Quick Thinking are wasted in PvP. If you are a DPS in PvP, you should be worried about DPS and stepping back out of the fire when you need healing. Standing still to call a Probe in is less viable than PvP Heal stims. Those points would be better spent in Charged Barrier.


Solder's Endurance points are wasted. 3 points in Target Lock, and 2 in Weapons Calibrations will serve you better.


This would be my suggestion:

Hybrid Gunnery/Assault Tree


...just a though. :)

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what? 5x kb in 30 secs? 6secs kb? well unless stockstrike is counted.

pvp dps build? you selected accuracy over critical talent tree? lol


Yes I'm counting stockstrike every 9 seconds and Concussion Charge every 15. It's very useful to put people in fire in Huttball. It's also great to combo with Concussion Charge to really throw someone far (Ilum cliffs FTW). Plus since we don't get an interrupt...this is my interrupt.

Edited by HuntinSikness
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I'm guessing you are using Plasma Round, which means this is my opinion:


Lack of Demo Round gives you less mobility.


Cell Charger over Deadly Cannon and no Rotary Cannon when you go 18 into AS and get Ionic Accelerator is also pointless. Remove points from Heavy Trooper, add into Deadly Cannon.


Degauss would be more effective for this build than Nightvision Scope. You will have to keep yourself standing due to lacking in some DPS Points.


The two points in Quick Thinking are wasted in PvP. If you are a DPS in PvP, you should be worried about DPS and stepping back out of the fire when you need healing. Standing still to call a Probe in is less viable than PvP Heal stims. Those points would be better spent in Charged Barrier.


Solder's Endurance points are wasted. 3 points in Target Lock, and 2 in Weapons Calibrations will serve you better.


This would be my suggestion:

Hybrid Gunnery/Assault Tree


...just a though. :)


Demo round on a 15 second cooldown hardly improves your mobility. Degauss is nice too, and falls under the category 'tweaking this spec'. In regards to quick thinking, I used to believe as you do and used those points for more crit. However after getting it, I've found it immensely useful. Again, that works to my play-style. But basically it's great if you LOS your opponent to heal up, or to help out your healer if he's getting pounded. I don't understand your idea about weapons calibrations. I have 0 Alacrity and 4% times 0 is 0. I'll take 3% endurance any day.

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Interesting build. Do you find that switching cells causes much of a problem? or do you just pick one and keep it?


Most of the time I use Armor piercing. I switch to Plasma for situational needs. Doing it in combat isn't that hard given it's only 1.5 seconds, but you have to make sure it sticks. If I run into a 1v1 melee on Ilum, I will CC and switch to plasma in order to kite them.

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I tried a similar spec on my BHMerc and have been considering it on my new commando.


here are my thoughts on it from the merc side (which is basically the same)



Has better mobility than raw arsenal/assault spec because of IR. IR basically gives you a grav round you can run around throwing on people. It spreads your DPS out a lot but in a zergy combat scenario that's not as bad as it seems. You'll be constantly wearing down on multiple people and if you're with the team that means you're making them die fast enough that a close fight suddenly becomes a win for your team mate.


Utility is off the charts compared to arsenal/assult as far as knockbacks, snares, kiting and overall "annoy the other team"edness (via dotting everyone and their brother to make capping borderline impossible)



Burst went bye bye. There is no real burst in this spec, you can line up a rail/HIB but it's going to be less effective than in a full assault/arsenal spec and happen less often because you're going to lose your refresh ability. Burst is very important in PVP however if you are running with premades and make sure you bring a real bursty DPS you'll be fine if you play right.


Lacks the solidarity of the 'top' of a tree. Once you go deep in a tree a lot of abilities come together to give the class a better flow and overall all of your abilities get a boost from the synergy created by the deep tree talents. That's true of all three trees.



This is a jack of all type of build, it has a deffinite benefit but in retrospect I feel it's only useful if you are running in premades. It changes us from a DPS/target killer to a ranged harasser. ranged harassers are very important in WZs but only if you have a killer, a defender, and a tank. (for more on that, see my upcoming thread in the PVP section about PVP roles and responsibilities.)


It's a cool build, in a premade it will be amazing, in pugs it 'can' be amazing assuming your pug knows what they're doing and you've got people filling the role we normally fill.

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Demo round on a 15 second cooldown hardly improves your mobility. Degauss is nice too, and falls under the category 'tweaking this spec'. In regards to quick thinking, I used to believe as you do and used those points for more crit. However after getting it, I've found it immensely useful. Again, that works to my play-style. But basically it's great if you LOS your opponent to heal up, or to help out your healer if he's getting pounded. I don't understand your idea about weapons calibrations. I have 0 Alacrity and 4% times 0 is 0. I'll take 3% endurance any day.


Weapons Calibration will help with mobility, fires off abilities quicker on the field, and 3% of 16000 HP is only 480 points...not going to make much difference the long run. Either way, there is a minimal change, but I do feel that putting 3 points there vs. filling the Target Lock box is a little counter productive.


However, I do think you should consider the other suggestions as well, since you are going for DPS, there is no sense in wasting points in things that won't help while you are using Plasma Cell. :)

Edited by Miallen
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I feel a lot in this build gimps you.


Grav round is not that much better then charged bolts when you have none of the talents that improves it (giving other skills dmg boost etc, you dont even have one of the skills that it boost). Charged bolts improve Assault spec tho.


Deadly Cannon is bugged and dont give any effect to full auto, you dont have Demo round so the whole talent is useless for you.


Rotary cannon is a great talent but the skill is not that good to begin with, only reason to use it as Assult is to get the extra Hi-imp bolt (which is a good reason in itself tho).



That said, i think Assault is not that good as a Commando. It isnt mobile enough compared to Gunnery. And imo its less sustained dmg, and a LOT less burst. For Vanguard it is a amazing talent tree but i dont feel it provides the same playstyle for Commando.


If i would make a hybrid build i would go for this i think: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#800ZMIkdMbZMIMrdhhz.1

More assault playstyle but still has the knockback talents, i actually feel that is better then full Assault.

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The 2/3 he put into Target Lock is the Accuracy, and no points in Field Training is what he is referring to.


That's not a direct trade though, he has to have 5 in tier one to go higher, so the only thing he could trade the 2/3 Target lock for is the Alcrity talent. There was no way to drop 2/3 Target Lock and pick up Field Training.

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Plasma grenade, incendiary, sticky, high impact, full auto, high impact if it procs, theres your burst. throw on a few charged bolts in between.


Thats not burst, Thats 5-6 GCDs + cast times. Burst is 2GCDs and a casttime. :p


That build doesn't have the same burst as a gravround specialist by a long shot. I've done both, trust me, you're losing most of your real burst.


Edited to note: that doens't mean the build is bad, it just means you're a harasser not a "killer" in WZs. It lacks the burst to control a kill, it 'can' kill but without the ability to take 20-30% of a persons life before they can react consistantly you are lacking the burst to be considered a killer in the PVP role scheme of Defender, harasser, killer.

Edited by Kiphere
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Thing is.. With my build anyways which is 12 in gunnery for just the knockbacks... couple in medic rest in assault. I use armor piercing mostly. high impact hits hard as hell. Refreshes alot with full auto ignores 65% armor and is free to use. I almost always top dmg and kills in wz. At 48 I'm critting high impact for over 3k. If my targets on fire most of my attacks do 9% more dmg, with armor piercing ignoring 35% even hammer shots hitting pretty hard.
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