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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sages and Sorcerors, an intelligent discussion.


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You killed every healer. 30 seconds max. Same as commandos.


"Oh my god, I just can't survive without a knockback on a 30s cooldown MINIMUM!"


Says my operative healer. Oh, wait. My only aoe CC is on a 60s cd, requires a target, nearly fills the resolve bar, and breaks on a sneeze.


Get over it. You don't need that much CC.

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That marauder should probably map his interrupt buttons to his hotbars stop the heals. It's not super hard, especially against someone that's DPS spec and doesn't have the tiny instant HoT. Don't get me wrong, it's easy to interrupt the wrong thing and let people to heal to full, but eventually you learn not to.


first off, your taking about strictly one on one, which doesn't happen very often. A marauder can't survive by themselves. low health, melee, no heals. second, your right, in theory a marauder could interrupt u 3 times. one with interrupt, one with AoE stun, then one with force choke. however, stuns and knockbacks make it easy to man handle them. u can't argue that. if your getting attacked, all one must do is knockback, stun, then flee to an ally. if u feel your outmatched and don't run then its your own fault for dieing. Marauders don't get that option. they have a 4 second cloak to evade combat, but nothing to compare to your combination.


yes there are ways to combat sorc/sage, but nothing is overly successful. please quite trying to say people should do this or that. notice there are two sides to this argument. sorc/sage say they aren't OP, everyone who's not say there is. notice people aren't getting on here and say i kill them all the time etc...people who don't play sorc/sage are not taking your said, obviously there is a problem. if there wasn't people who don't play them would also be taking your said, you can't argue that point.

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first off, your taking about strictly one on one, which doesn't happen very often. A marauder can't survive by themselves. low health, melee, no heals. second, your right, in theory a marauder could interrupt u 3 times. one with interrupt, one with AoE stun, then one with force choke. however, stuns and knockbacks make it easy to man handle them. u can't argue that. if your getting attacked, all one must do is knockback, stun, then flee to an ally. if u feel your outmatched and don't run then its your own fault for dieing. Marauders don't get that option. they have a 4 second cloak to evade combat, but nothing to compare to your combination.


If my stun break thingie isn't up, I'm dead before they're done CCing me. Well, I suppose it also depends on whether they run up to me from behind or while I'm DPSing someone else. If they don't blow their gap closer and all abilities are up for both of us, they can effectively negate my CC. Then it's just a sad day. Also, even if I manage to get off all my CC at a marauder and he does nothing to counter it force lift/whirlwind doesn't let me DPS him, knockback buys two seconds or three, and stun is 4. I'm not killing a geared marauder in 7 seconds.


yes there are ways to combat sorc/sage, but nothing is overly successful. please quite trying to say people should do this or that. notice there are two sides to this argument. sorc/sage say they aren't OP, everyone who's not say there is. notice people aren't getting on here and say i kill them all the time etc...people who don't play sorc/sage are not taking your said, obviously there is a problem. if there wasn't people who don't play them would also be taking your said, you can't argue that point.



Yeah, those people are too busy winning PvP matches to whine about it on the boards. I win a fair bit. I also die a lot, but that comes with being willing to sacrifice myself to interrupt enemy heals or keep people off doors while being beaten on. If I turn my attention to self-defense more than throwing up the odd CC, I'm no longer doing my job.

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I laugh at the people here complaining about how sorcs can dish out damage and healing at the same time while other classes have a way of putting up protection numbers, which is about the same as healing, except it's way easier because all you have to do is press one button.


I don't think alot of the baseline abilities for each class should be baseline. If they are so hardcore about not having you be able to spec down multiple paths effectively, they should not give you baseline abilities that would be mainly for another spec. Those abilities should be gained by specing into those trees. Not via talent but via point investment.

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