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Just played and game were the score was 2-1 in my team's favor and at 0 second left in the game, the ennemy team scored for a 2-2 final score. Of course the ennemy team won....


From what ive seen so far, you had to actually hold the ball to win if the score was equal?

thats what everyone do since day 1 and now, without notice the rules have changed to last cap winner?


Maybe it was in the last patch, but I didnt see that.


Is it just too hard to set-up a 1 minute prolongation or simply call it a draw??

There are no sports that I know of that are giving away a win when both teams have the same score...I believe this is dumb as hell.

Edited by crazysam
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When they cap they still "hold" the ball until it is neutral in the center. If they scored with less than about five seconds left, they will still have possession of the ball.


Not sure what happens of the ball is neutral and the game is tied at the end.

Edited by SLRPSJ
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When they cap they still "hold" the ball until it is neutral in the center. If they scored with less than about five seconds left, they will still have possession of the ball.


Not sure what happens of the ball is neutral and the game is tied.


Yeah, thats what I suspected! would be nice to have this matter explaned by a Dev. Guess imma post this issue in-game and see if I can get an answer.

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The rules of Huttball have always been the same: In the event of a tie, the victory is awarded to the team that currently possesses the ball. In the event of a neutral ball, victory is awarded to the last team that possessed the ball. In one of the ties I played to, the enemy ballcarrier knew he was getting pounded and voluntarily leapt away from his attackers on the catwalks to his death in the pit below. No enemy players to intercept the ball nearby, so it resets to neutral and his team got the win.



Smart man.

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The rules of Huttball have always been the same: In the event of a tie, the victory is awarded to the team that currently possesses the ball. In the event of a neutral ball, victory is awarded to the last team that possessed the ball. In one of the ties I played to, the enemy ballcarrier knew he was getting pounded and voluntarily leapt away from his attackers on the catwalks to his death in the pit below. No enemy players to intercept the ball nearby, so it resets to neutral and his team got the win.



Smart man.


Smart move indeed, but that ''last carrier is winner'' rule is letting players exploit it, wich I believe is unfair for the other team, no?

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I might be inclined to call it an exploit if it happened more often. Frankly, I'm usually so relieved to have played a competitive teeth-gritting nose to the grindstone match of Huttball that I can't fault players for playing to the system.


There has to be a rule in place, and I look at it like this: In the NFL, the overtime rules (save the playoffs) are "First to score, wins." Obviously, only one team can control the ball at a time, so there's an inherent advantage on being on offense first. Even if your offense is terrible or ineffective, as long as they score, the other team doesn't get to respond, even if their offense is much much better than yours. So in this system, teams will "exploit" that advantage. No matter what the circumstances you are always going to want to be on offense first.



Similarly here, the clock obviously favors whoever is already holding the ball, and while there are certain mechanics that don't leave the opposing team with much recourse (like the example I just listed), I think in this case the burden falls on the defending team to be aware of the clock. If a game starts getting tight with three or four minutes to go, consider playing a possession game instead of outright trying to score.



First and foremost: Make sure your teammates know the rules and have their eyes on the clock too. I won one of my ties by keeping the entire team within passing range, and with a little pass pong we held the ball away from the enemy team for 2 minutes because they were forced to keep one to two defenders back in case we tried to score. All in all I don't think it's a perfect rule, but given PvP's considerable list of other problems, I'm impressed that the tiebreaker rule even exists, and works so effectively.

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