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Can't be that upset by Tracer Missile spam.


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For the record I play an Imperial Agent Sniper - Lethality.


I have a Powertech who is only level 19 at the moment and I truly believe to design a class around one friggin skill is short bus retarded.




It's really Bioware's fault for designing the class this way. The tree couldn't have been more linear, boring and un-creative. In all honesty though the players are playing the spec to it's optimal ability. I went over to Torhead to build a Mercenary tree and the entire tree essentially promotes tracer missile spam. Here let me show each skill and how it affects tracer missile:


Firstly let's see what Tracer Missile is:


Tracer Missile (Level 20 talent): Launches a missile at the target that deals 827 kinetic damage and applies a heat signature reducing the armor rating by 4% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times. Heat signatures leaves the target vulnerable to Rail Shot.


Now that we know what it does lets take a look at how it's improved in the Arsenal Tree:


Mandalorian Iron Warheads: Increases the damage dealt by all missiles and Power Shot by 6%.


Muzzle Fluting: Reduces the heat cost of Power Shot and Tracer Missile by 9.


Stabilizers: Reduces the pushback suffered while activating Power Shot, Concussion Missile, Tracer Missile and Unload by 75%.


Power Barrier: Power Shot and Tracer Missile have a 100% chance to generate a Power Barrier that reduces damage taken by 2% for 15 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.


Terminal Velocity: While High Velocity Gas Cylinder is active, critical hits with missiles and Unload have a 100% chance to vent 8 heat. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds.


Light 'Em Up: Tracer Missile now applies an additional heat signature.


Tracer Lock: Tracer Missile grants Target Lock, increasing the damage dealt by the next Rail Shot by 6%. Stacks up to 5 times.


Barrage: Power Shot and Tracer Missile have a 30% chance to finish the cooldown on Unload and increase the damage dealt by the next Unload by 25%. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds.




So aside from the most UN-imaginative tree (Can sum the tree up as <increase x damage by y percent. Tracer Missile spam, this effect cannot occur more than z seconds.) this is actually intended and working as designed. So for those complaining that it's one skill it'll be pretty close to impossible for Bioware to nerf that skill. If they nerf Tracer Missile the entire tree is garbage. You essentially can't have all these talents surround one skill then nerf that skill. So gg and lets all welcome our new facerolling Tracer Missile spamming overlords.

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It's not just that the entire tree is linked to Grav Round/Tracer Missile either. While that is the heart of the problem, you often see it because all of a Commando/Mercenary's other cooldowns are either A) too long or B) tied to Grav Round/Tracer Missile. The only other non cooldown ability we have to use costs MORE ammo/heat, does comparable damage, and offers none of the benefits (armor reduction, cooldown refreshing, damage shield, priming other parts of our rotation) we've specced into for GR/TM so BioWare literally shoehorns us in every imaginable way into using this one ability.


Even if I wanted to use something else, I can't because everything else is on cooldown.

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Not sure why everyone is so focused on the one skill wonder of merc/commando when other classes aren't really that far from them.


I basically have 3 characters that I play Commando, Shadow, and Sentinel. The first two I listed I have a skill on both of them I spam while keeping 2 other abilities on cooldown (for the most part I mean obviously you have your AoEs, CCs, and defensive cd's). I know first hand also that sages/sorcs have a spamable ability though I don't know how effective it is for damage or if they are just really bad for doing it.


Sentinel though is a bit different since there are a few more abilities to keep on CD, but after everything is on CD and you have focus there is only one thing left to spam which you end up doing.


Every class but the merc/commando have an interupt so if you aren't using yours when facing said classes on their tracer/gravs thats your fault.

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