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Cooldown bar change


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Already posted this in General in regards to the thread complaining about how bad the UI is with the new cooldown bars.


In regards to my suggestion on how to change cooldowns/buttons/bars:


"Make this easier. Put a big, red, countdown number (1 = 1 second, 2 = 2 seconds, 1m = 1 minute) that goes away when it's not on cooldown or GCD (i.e. when it's available to use). Have it always round up to the lower increment. Each unit shown should be:

Every second : 1 - 59.

Every minute : 1m - 60m.


So something that has 4 mins, 30 secs left will show "4m" on the button. Something that has 1m 15 seconds left will show "1m", something that has 1.5secs (GCD) will show "1".


Make the ability grayed out when it's ineligible to use (out of range, a heal ability on an enemy non-healable npc).



Visible number = Not ready to use yet / Still on cooldown.

Grayed out = Ineligible target / not in range.


How hard would it be to do that?


Want to know when your ability is ready and you can use it? Simple... it's a bright color with no number on it."


Sample Image:


Edited by Lostpenguins
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Your suggestion is pure genius because it's so simple.


Why can't they implement it? Or better still, leave it the way it was in Beta?


They need to just put in a modding API, which would allow the 3rd party community to give you whatever you wanted in your UI.


OmniCC adds exactly this feature to WoW, for example.

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