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Juggernaut vs. Assassin (e.g. which class to alt?)


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I'm really really undecided about which class I want to play as an alt.


Right now it is down to Juggernaut vs. Assassin.

My main is a Scoundrel.


Can Juggernauts compete with Assassins regarding damage?

I guess their survivability should be about equal, except for the stealth.


Which is easier to level? Do Juggernauts or Assassins shred through mobs easier?

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I have a 43 Jugg and a 35 shadow.


Not sure on the dps. I like the mobility (charge) of the Jugg. But I like the stealth and vanish from the assassin.


both have defenses about the same, not counting vanish. Jugg has some dots as well as force push and the friendly leap (late in leveling). Assassin is more direct dmg.



defensive ability


Pros for Jugg:


force push (26)

friendly leap (intercept)

heavy armor



execute very late (46)

saber throw mid (36)



Pros for Assassin:

force sprint



aoe knockback (very early < 10)

execute earlier than Jugg (32)



light armor

feels squishy


Jugg damage is back loaded, meaning you have to build rage before you can use your harder hitting abilities. While the Assassin is more front loaded, using force to fuel your attack moves.


leveling seems about the same to me.



I am sure there are more. Feel free to chip in.

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The best thing about Juggernauts is that they're not another Assassin.




So basically you don't notice any huge difference in leveling efficiency between the both?

The biggest fear I have is that Juggernauts are a pain to level.

If that's not the case I think I will go for juggernaut.

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I don't think Juggernauts are a pain to level. There's something I really like about the gameplay, actually, whereas I can almost say the opposite about trying out a jedi shadow (though it might have been the incredibly boring consular story, dunno.)


I think leveling with healer Quinn might be a real pain, though--I definitely couldn't stand the shift in tempo when I tried bringing him out. Bounty Hunter tanks always have death from above to decimate scrubs, and assassins do more DPS.


You have to switch companions between Vette (weak mobs) and Quinn (bosses) in your 20s, and then you begin getting fun offensive weapons (force push, choke.) With Vette doing DPS the pace of Juggernaut play feels similar to every other class.

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I played the Guardian (Juggernaut mirror) to max level and it was easy peasy. The Guardians don't get their healer until 35+ so I was forced to take the DPS companion along and to be honest there was no problem with that. Point being as a Juggernaut you're not forced to bring Quinn. That being said once I did get Doc (Jedi healer) I've never used any other companion because it reduces downtime to absolute zero.


Initially I didn't like the Rage mechanic of the Guardian/Juggernaut class because I didn't like starting at 0, but after playing for a few weeks it's hard for me to use a different resource. I have a very low level Shadow alt and it's annoying to play such a squishy class.

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