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Loving Swtor PvP


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let me rewrite this foryou. "50 pvp is fun when you have gear and group with other ppl who also have gear rolling pugs with no gear. please don't quit because I love my easy mode too much"


LOL, since when did even that keep it's novalty? :p 300-400hours of the same 3 WZs? They could bring in killstreaks and a tactical nuke and it wouldn't bring me out of the coma I have to slide into to tolerate Huttball ...

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10-49 pvp is fun. Open world is fun. Everytime I kill someone I just think "Maybe that was another hater forum troll" and I smile. This is a good game. Deal with it.


Aw :) wait until L50. You've still a 300-400 hour Valor grind ahead of you, naive Padawan ;)

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Personally I prefer SWG, but since that is not an option. I love the pvp system in this game. I just miss standing in restuss with nothing to do for hours on end as 5 spies hover around our group while we chat about the nonsense of the world.
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let me rewrite this foryou. "50 pvp is fun when you have gear and group with other ppl who also have gear rolling pugs with no gear. please don't quit because I love my easy mode too much"


let me rewrite this for you..."i suck at this game, i can beat other people therefore they are overpowered, i am a troll, i am self entitled, i am spoiled, because this game is not perfect from the beginning means it is terrible, i have no patience whatsoever, i love pandas"


The game has problems, of course. Did you really not expect that. a game on this scale is going to have problems, all across the board. if you do not have the patience to stick with it than it is your loss.

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let me rewrite this foryou. "50 pvp is fun when you have gear and group with other ppl who also have gear rolling pugs with no gear. please don't quit because I love my easy mode too much"


Let me rewrite this for you. "50 pvp is fun when you have gear and are open-minded to enjoy a game you pay to play. Please quit, jump off a bridge, marry a duck, see if anyone cares. I'll be enjoying my PvP."


Also go find a bridge.:D

Edited by Mcfree
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Bless :) You're going to fckn hate L50 PvP :D


just because you hated it does not means everybody does...i am 50..have been for weeks...i love the game and am finding things to do...than again, i have the patience and understand what it takes to make a game like this great...................................in case you do not know what that it takes ill tell you...TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME

Edited by longgrassgrows
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just because you hated it does not means everybody does...i am 50..have been for weeks...i love the game and am finding things to do...than again, i have the patience and understand what it takes to make a game like this great...................................in case you do not know what that it takes ill tell you...TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME


The game was in development for how many years?


They had time.


Now it's showtime and they're doing a pretty stand-up job of being mediocre.

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Anyway before this thread gets hijacked. More things I like about Swtor PVP.


Killing a player that outgears you by outplaying them. Namely dropping bad sorcs using LoS.


The Voidstar warzone is probably my favorite pvp map since...the Daoc low level pvp/keep zones, Thidranki. Amazing LoS setup for ranged especially, and the added bridge trap/gap that is jumpable is cool.


Kiting Sith Warriors All day.


Keep em coming!

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Personnaly am really enjoying the pvp in this game,done wz only from lvl 20 and hit battlemaster today on my sage(with a 2 week vacation in-between),I dont get all the hate with hutball I mean it's totally new and unique and you can have a ton of fun in there when playin with mates,you imps cry about it all the time ,roll republic and get aldarran 60% of the time and come back here and say you hate hutball.
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The game was in development for how many years?


They had time.


Now it's showtime and they're doing a pretty stand-up job of being mediocre.


I find the launch and last few patches pretty awesome, and pretty far from mediocre. But that's my opinion and you are entitled to yours.


This thread is about positive things you enjoy about PvP in Swtor, not about your opinion on random things you don't like.


But please! Come back and post a + :D

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I just wanted to create a positive thread about how much I am enjoying the pvp in Swtor.

I capped my first toon and have been doing guild groups and Ilum as Republic and it has been a blast. I love the three warzones but I think what I enjoy the most about the pvp is the fastpaced reactionary combat. I don't have any hiching /lagg issues like so many others have said.


I also got to do a lot of Open world pvp while leveling on Tatooine and Alderaan. I have an Alt that I keep around Most Lla and log him on now and again to gank some Imperials.


50 pvp is a ton more fun with brackets. Four guild members can pretty much own or at least have a gg against any other team.


I wanted to make this post to discuss how other players are ENJOYING the pvp here. Please do not post if you don't have something positive to contribute. We all know a lot of forums warriors are here talking about how this and that sucks. That's great but this isn't the post for it, make your own if you can't contribute appropriately.


I love it when i get into a warzone to find that the opposite team has exploited and has a 5 man advantage on us 100% of the time.



I love it when people spam lightening lol facerollkeyboardballsackslam, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy deep down inside.


I love it when bounty hunters spamm missles and crit you for 7k then heal themselves back to full hps if you managed to get through their 10k sheild bubble....i love that the most.


I love getting stun locked over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over , that makes me love pvp.



All in all this game is totally awesome and I'm a fanboy that has no concept of competitive pvp what so ever.

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Cant get enough of pvp, yesterday we had 1-2hours of great pvp in Ilum, just awsome, around 60 republic players vs many others from the empire, i enjoy some puging in wz not bad when i start loosing more that 2 games in a row i start premading:D (y i get scared easy).

BW just needs to fix the 12 vs 8 bug in wz really annoying, overall good job for a less then 2month game.

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Cant get enough of pvp, yesterday we had 1-2hours of great pvp in Ilum, just awsome, around 60 republic players vs many others from the empire, i enjoy some puging in wz not bad when i start loosing more that 2 games in a row i start premading:D (y i get scared easy).

BW just needs to fix the 12 vs 8 bug in wz really annoying, overall good job for a less then 2month game.


Hey isnt it great when the game lags so bad you cant manage 5 frames?!!! thats my favorite part too bro.

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Coming from a complete sw fanboi ( i played swg from 04 till the end and I absolutely loved it, I also plan on reliving Jar Jar Binks mania in 3d this friday)


What have I enjoyed out of swtor pvp.


About 5 minutes out of the 10-12 hrs I have spent in Ilum. The very rare time there was a balance between factions and an epic fight, lasted 5 minutes before the word got out and the place was swarming with imps.


Out of possibly 70-80 warzones I have played there were about 3 games I would say I had a blast in.


-Huttball coming back from being down 5 to win the game.


-Another huttball game, it was tied and we got possession probably .5 seconds before the match ended.


-Alderaan - came down to the wire another close game.


Trying to get the blue matrix shard on tatooine, taking the blimp a half hour to find a rack of level 35 pubs camping the jawa crawler ( lucky I was lvl 50 and was able to get the shard). <- the most messed up part I travelled in the blimp with a lvl 30 pub I could have 2 shotted at anytime but I wasn't gonna be a d-bag and I let him travel unharmed. He repayed my generosity by messaging his pub friends to jump me at the crawler) republic scum.....


Overall my experience in end-game pvp has been a let down but there have been those few occasions listed above where I have gotten a glimpse of the games potential.

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Ok, I guess I've done enough complaining, lol. I do enjoy the PvP, instanced PvP mini-games, not so much. But I do enjoy fighting other players. I enjoy the combat. I enjoy my class and the fact that a tank spec, in tank gear, is not completely useless in this game.
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I personally like PvP a lot. I feel it needs some more polish... a lot more. But its playable, a lot of the people here complaining about it just have a lot of free time and are going to be playing the game anyways, pretty sure you have to pay to post anyways. (do you?)


Anyways, I play a Bodyguard and im kicking some serious behind with the healing. I need at least 3 people with steady DPS on me before I go down. And I am amazing at ball carrying. I really like my class and what I can do with it.



You know.... its just a lot of fun. And people dont see that because they want to rollstomp on everything.

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I always enjoy lvl 10-49 PVP, no matter which class I play or level they are.


End game pvp sucks though.


Cause owning lvl 20's with your 40 is fun! Seriously though everyone likes lvl 10-49 pvp cause twinks destroy that bracket. I can sneeze on anyone that is 25 or below on my 42 scoundrel cause


a) They lack the abilities to try and counter my class.

b) Don't have enough talent pts to actually be affective with their spec.

c) Their gear compared to my best lvl modded gear can't compete with it.


People will say they buff dmg/health in the bracket but it doesn't boost your stats like surge/crit which is one of factors in your burst dmg in WZ. But hey 3 shotting lvl 20's all day is fun though for me. End game pvp is fun but I can say I enjoy the lower bracket cause there is a lot less people that know their class in pvp yet and they have less abilities then me so I win.

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