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Lord Scourge in Sith armor


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I was running around the republic fleet today and all the sudden I see someone with a Lord Scourge companion wearing his original sith armor. I of course messaged the person to ask how he did it but he didn't respond.


So does anyone know how you do this? Is it something only Lord Scourge can wear or can JK's wear it too?

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As far as I'm aware in one of the previous patches they changed his gear to give the Sith appearance as opposed to the Jedi version of the same armor. His armor is only wearable by himself, so you cant take it and use it.


I dont think it was originally intended to appear as Jedi style armor.

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I think any of the armor specifically for him you get as quest rewards also looks Sith now.


Any other gear (Such as PvP gear which has a seperate appearance for Sith/Jedi) just shows as it would for a normal Republic character

Edited by Malleki
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