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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Defensive Forms + Ataru Form


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Defensive Forms: Increases your movement speed by 15% in Ataru Form



When I'm in Ataru Form, I never notice this speed buff. While doing dailies, after finishing a mission in a cave in Belsavis, me and my groupie were running out and pulled aggro (entered combat) and we kept on running outside without engaging, but still in combat. While I should be 15% faster than him, I wasn't. I wonder if this +15% is actually working? In the heat of battles in WZs I never paid attention but seems to me I am not getting any speed increase. Best way to test is get a groupie who is not a Marauder, get aggro from some NPCs and run side by side.

Anyone else can confirm this?

Edited by Precurso
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Respec Annihilation. You'll definitely notice the difference.


Edit: Or, better yet, do this:



Turn off Sprint and Ataru Form. Start running then turn Ataru on. You should notice a slight increase.

Edited by Kibaken
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Respec Annihilation. You'll definitely notice the difference.


Edit: Or, better yet, do this:



Turn off Sprint and Ataru Form. Start running then turn Ataru on. You should notice a slight increase.


Already played almost entirely Anni, been trying to see if Carnage is any viable. Frankly, bored of Anni for a bit. Ability to spam Massacre is nice.


As for turning Ataru on, I am not really seeing any speed increase.

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Take your sabers out.


Turn Sprint off.


Turn Ataru Form off.



Hit num-lock.


Watch feet/movement speed.



Hit Ataru Form.


Watch feet speed up/average movement go up.



There is indeed a movement speed increase and, coming from playing Carnage since day one, it's extremely noticeable if you don't have it up after being used to it for so long. If you require I can film a race.

Edited by Kibaken
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It works.


The 15% run speed boost works only IN combat. And therefore quite obviously doesn't stack with Sprint, which only works OUT of combat.


Get yourself in a duel with someone who doesn't have a +15% movement speed talent. Stand side by side, and start running. After a few seconds you'll notice you are pulling ahead. That's your 15% boost at work.


It's the same for all classes - Sins, PTs, etc.


It will NOT help you get out of the cave quicker. All it does is help you go from mob to mob while in combat quicker. Or catch up to a runner in PvP if you didn't slow him and he doesn't have the same talent.

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It works.


The 15% run speed boost works only IN combat. And therefore quite obviously doesn't stack with Sprint, which only works OUT of combat.


Get yourself in a duel with someone who doesn't have a +15% movement speed talent. Stand side by side, and start running. After a few seconds you'll notice you are pulling ahead. That's your 15% boost at work.


It's the same for all classes - Sins, PTs, etc.


It will NOT help you get out of the cave quicker. All it does is help you go from mob to mob while in combat quicker. Or catch up to a runner in PvP if you didn't slow him and he doesn't have the same talent.


Have you not read where I said we got aggro (combat) while running out of cave?

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  • 5 months later...
It works.

It will NOT help you get out of the cave quicker. All it does is help you go from mob to mob while in combat quicker. Or catch up to a runner in PvP if you didn't slow him and he doesn't have the same talent.


....speaking of not reading

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