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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

the marmite class...


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/rant mode on


why do bounty hunters get 3 tanks companions and no melee dps, I wanted to use a melee dps for my healing merc, seems like the logical choice for me.


silly bioware. you just put the damage the wrong way round for tracer missile and power shot. and forgot to mention power shot in all them talant tree points. oh you silly boys. don't just nurf the whole class because you guys failed. swap dem damages round so we no longer spam so much and use it more as a debuff.


kolto missile is weird, is that ment to be so low? seems abit strange for a nasty aoe damageing class (figured that from so many aoe damage skills) to only have 1 barely usefull healing skill. at the moment I only use it rarely and only for the boost it gets from them 30 points skill thing for -10% inc damage.


it's pritty epic how I can use some aoe skills and target tham where I would want them. but it's slow and rasict for clickers and some button bashers hate it too. I deffently wouldn't mind having the option to be able to use it directly on targeted target.


LOL +5% with kolto missile. does anyone explain how this is good because I don't see it at all


heavy armour, just, doesn't, seem, heavy.


stances/toggle skills are so lame. let me explain in a nice way. as you progress you will choose a route you like, healing of 1 of 2 dps routes. every tree aims on a certain toggle skill to help you in that role. even a healing merc has to use the healing toggle to use the boost so power shot is spam-able. the further you excell into the tree's the less viable the other toggle skills to the point making them useless. it's no way near as bad as the jug/guard class but it's still restricting. is it possible to make all toggle skill pirks in tree's a global buff? including make the toggle you get in healing route usable at level 10 (increase healing) and replace the tree place with the charges but have it global like other pirks in tree. it will not make anyone OP, just an optional choice to stance dance for situations instead of having 3 skills pointless.


3 points in the bodyguard tree for energy sheild that has a 2min CD. seems abit weak?

could we just reduce it too in them?


like healing scan builds 6 charges, could power shot?

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I came in here for something that might wittily relate to a beer by-product and Mercs. I even ran the post by my protocol droid and he started twitching and sparking. Which was at least an interesting evening for us all when it ran into the power couplers screaming something about the Old Ones coming to devour us all.


But yeah, like the above poster said, Torian is your melee DPS.

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