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Would you Re-Roll your Sorc to Sage for....


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I have a 42 Sorc, and while I sure hope we are not the nerf bait I read about on the forums I am Seriously thinking of Re-Rolling to sage for a few reasons...


I read that Most sages think that Sorc has an Advantage because the Insta's Hit right away and Sages have to wait .00000001 Seconds for the rock to land, But Im thinking this would help with stacking dmg, and to me a rock smacking you in the Face is SO much cooler then ooOoOoO Look at the wittle wittle shock....


I think Sages look better in the current skins....


I think the Tank pet of the Sage is better then the one Sorc gets, he JUMPS into the mobs were as Khel has to sprint over to them, and if you are smart you wait till he gains aggro....


Also, NOTHING says ATTACK ME more then a HUGE line of Lightning arcing accross the screen, yet Little Pebbles are hard to notice in huge fights....


Am I missing something? Would you re-roll a toon based on cosmetics allone?

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Personally I say roll with what ever you want to play.


Eventually the flavor of the month will be nerfed "Sorcs."


So play what you enjoy. Try out sage and if you love everything about it. Play that.


Dont play whats OP at the time, it will all change to come.




"Look at Rogues in WoW. Most OP thing ever, got nerfed to hell for almost 2 expansions."

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I read that Most sages think that Sorc has an Advantage because the Insta's Hit right away and Sages have to wait .00000001 Seconds for the rock to land

It's actually closer to 0.7 seconds, which may seem trivial to you, but it is not. The first time you fail to stop a door cap or turret flip or stealther escaping because of the delay (and yes, it happens more than you'd think) you will come to understand *exactly* how long 0.7 seconds really is in PvP.

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It's actually closer to 0.7 seconds, which may seem trivial to you, but it is not. The first time you fail to stop a door cap or turret flip or stealther escaping because of the delay (and yes, it happens more than you'd think) you will come to understand *exactly* how long 0.7 seconds really is in PvP.


What he said

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Play what suits your style. For all we know everything will be nerfed in a month or two.


I have a 50 sage, and a 30something sorc. I see the difference in openers but frankly I like the opening with the sage better it just seems more fluid to me. I can have a cast time spell like disturbance landing just after the project damage hits which in PvP feels like a stronger opening before the target has a chance to really react.


Running against geared out sages in huttball (my server repub outnumbers imps) if sorc lightning gets nerfed I expect pebbles will be too. Both hurt pretty bad if specced/geared out for it.

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It's actually closer to 0.7 seconds, which may seem trivial to you, but it is not.




An instant cast spell should be just that. It is easy to test against normal npc's as they have time to shoot you before they are stunned. They will (almost) always get at least one shot off.

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I agree with the above posters about the Project delay.


However... the OP has a point about the "stealthiness" of TK throw vs. Lightning. Especially when you add in 2-3 dots with it (Weaken Mind, Mind Crush, Sever Force). You can do a lot of damage to a player not paying attention to the tiny rocks pelting him from around the column. :D

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It's actually closer to 0.7 seconds, which may seem trivial to you, but it is not. The first time you fail to stop a door cap or turret flip or stealther escaping because of the delay (and yes, it happens more than you'd think) you will come to understand *exactly* how long 0.7 seconds really is in PvP.


Again this is a L2P issue. TK Throw deals instant damage so stop whining about door caps when it is you who failed to use the correct abilitiy to do so.

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Again this is a L2P issue. TK Throw deals instant damage so stop whining about door caps when it is you who failed to use the correct abilitiy to do so.


Everyone aren't balance/hybrids and as such TK Throw got a cd. Learn to play the class before insulting someone else.

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You'd be better off sticking with Sorcerer in my opinion. As people have already said the delay on project is quite significant. You're right that Sages have less noticeable abilities but thats about the only thing they have going for them right now, and it works both ways since I'd say the Sorcerers healing skills are far less visible than that of the Sages.


Oh and dont kid yourself about our companions, consular easily has the most useless selection of companions in the game right now. Qyzen in particular is a terrible tank. A very high number of players really struggle with some of the class quests as a Sage and the primary reason for this is because their companions suck, even if you go out of your way to gear them up. Frankly I'd say Nadia is our only decent companion, and by the time you get her you wont be far off 50 anyway.

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Am I missing something? Would you re-roll a toon based on cosmetics allone?


Personally I probably wouldn't if the situation was reversed (Sage to Sorc) mainly because of the horrible faction imbalance and stale animations of the Sorcerer. That said, for you I can easily see why you would want to.

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hey guys, havent been playing too long yet however it seems to me that the sages are almost unbeatable in warzones.

they have much better maneuverability than my sorc because of their instants.

I am specced in the madness tree which is supposed to be the best pvp tree for sorcs....


my brothers sage can kite **** around where as a sorc u kind of wanna stand still in pve content as to cast your spells and put out that dps.

this confirms my findings in pvp as well where the sages runs circles around just about anyone and throws rocks and what not at them.


you may say to me that its my lack of skill or whatever, but I dont think thats the case.

I am currently lvl 36 and thus gets in warzones of all lvls up to 49 and sages of all lvls gives me a hard time.


few minutes ago me and another sorc @ similar lvl went up against a sage of lvl 38 and we got taken down both of us without the sage breaking sweat.


what do you think?

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Everyone aren't balance/hybrids and as such TK Throw got a cd. Learn to play the class before insulting someone else.


The 6s cooldown on TK Throw is irrelevant when protecting an objective. As soon as you are in range of a capper you stop and cast TK Throw to get them off the objective. Once they're cast time is broken you can throw a DoT on them and you're done. Objectives cannot be taken while they are taking damage from a DoT so you will have plenty of time to get into position for a full-scale assault or wait for reinforcements.


The only reason to use Project on an enemy taking an objective is when you absolutely need to be on the move right this very second instead of stopping for the half second for the first tick of TK Throw to break the capper.


Because of this, it is absolutely a L2P issue. If you are constantly using Project to break objective cappers then you are playing wrong, plain and simple.


The only time Shock has a clear advantage over Project is when you are fighting a stealther who is actively watching your abilities and knows how to play his class and has very good reflexes and who's in-combat stealth CD is up. In this pretty rare situation (unless you are actively hunting down stealthers and making your attacks obvious, this will never happen more than once a match) you will get screwed on Project damage. Many people claim that Project is bad for burst because of its delay, but that is only true if you choose your ability priorities poorly.


Also do remember that Project/Shock is one ability of many that we have at our disposal. a 0.7s delay on one ability is not even close to a big deal and the only people who whine about this are those who cannot adapt and/or are so entitled they feel everything must be perfect.



hey guys, havent been playing too long yet however it seems to me that the sages are almost unbeatable in warzones.

they have much better maneuverability than my sorc because of their instants.

I am specced in the madness tree which is supposed to be the best pvp tree for sorcs....


my brothers sage can kite **** around where as a sorc u kind of wanna stand still in pve content as to cast your spells and put out that dps.

this confirms my findings in pvp as well where the sages runs circles around just about anyone and throws rocks and what not at them.


you may say to me that its my lack of skill or whatever, but I dont think thats the case.

I am currently lvl 36 and thus gets in warzones of all lvls up to 49 and sages of all lvls gives me a hard time.


few minutes ago me and another sorc @ similar lvl went up against a sage of lvl 38 and we got taken down both of us without the sage breaking sweat.


what do you think?


I'm sorry, but this is because of your lack of skill. Sages are no more mobile than Sorcs and with the nerf to Salvation our abilities are no stronger or weaker than the Sorc. The only real difference in mechanics is the delay on Project which gives Sorcerers a slight advantage over Sages.


The Sages who best you probably know more about their class, about the terrain, about the PvP Resolve mechanic, or about using consumables.

Edited by sollinton
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hey guys, havent been playing too long yet however it seems to me that the sages are almost unbeatable in warzones.

they have much better maneuverability than my sorc because of their instants.

I am specced in the madness tree which is supposed to be the best pvp tree for sorcs....


my brothers sage can kite **** around where as a sorc u kind of wanna stand still in pve content as to cast your spells and put out that dps.

this confirms my findings in pvp as well where the sages runs circles around just about anyone and throws rocks and what not at them.


It only confirms that your brother is better at playing an Adept caster than you are. The sorcerer is almost identical to the sage in every way except slightly superior mechanically.

Edited by Onager
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