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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×



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What are your guys' thoughts on dueling as a marauder? I seem to do OK but I have my issues, Ill do my best to not make it QQ. I find dueling a sorc (no idea the spec) I seem to get bursted down fairly quick and am stunned much of the time. My gear is ok, champ/cent. I just feel at a huge disadvantage at the beginning of duels. First, we begin apart so you already HAVE to close obviously, so either charge, invis or try just running at him. Eventually youll be foced to charge, met by a stun, get out of that to be met by another stun/pushback and gg.


This is not QQ, im looking for help, I just feel a little bit disadvantaged for starting already at a distance and second with no rage. Casters start at full force, mercs with no heat each class ready to drop their load in a duel after controlling you. Advice needed please, mainly for a sorc, I also do not know the class at all, so my personal disadvantage.

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I feel for you man. That's what a lot of discussion on this forum revolves around. The sad part is there's no easy answer. Aside from Anni spec giving you a better jousting ability going against Sorcs and BHs. 1v1 is going to start out that way every time. Only thing you can really do is use your defensive CDs and try to close the distance enough to interrupt their power cast spells. You should survive long enough to get close

then interrupt them and wail away. If they try to run Force charge them again and keep up the pressure. Use medpacs and adrenals. Our best defense is a great offense.

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That's why people say Marauders suck. And fanboys will tell you either L2P or the good old "not balanced around 1v1", which is such a copout. If the game isn't balanced 1v1, it sure as holy hell isn't balanced XvX.


The usual answers they will give you is "don't use charge, run at him". Which works, if he just stands there adjusting himself in a burlesque fashion. If he has a brain, he'll run away from you, pelting you with shots. You're taking damage, he's not. Eventually, he wins. Blow your charge, you eat a CC and you're back where you started.


The slightly better answer will be "run at him and pop Force Camo". Against absolute morons, it works about 75% of the time. Anyone slightly smarter will run away from the last spot you were seen, and possibly blow their own movement enhancer to counter your speed boost while under Camo. Then you pop out, and you're still back to square one.


The even better answer will be "Pop Fury->Predation and then Force Camo if you need it". This actually works most of the time. Of course it also depends entirely on having a 3 min CD available each time you fight someone with a brain. Which, in this game, works out quite nicely. But against someone with good CC who is good at chaining them without maxing out your resolve too soon, it's still not enough.

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Marauders are the best 1v1 duelers.

If you lose a 1v1 fight when you have all your CD's up, you still have to learn more about your class AND the abilites of the other classes.


I have NEVER lost a 1v1 duel against a hybrid sorc or assassin or any other class except 1 operative (my guildleader) and that's because he can start the fight in stealth and that gives him an huge advantage. If I get the first hit on an operative, I will win for sure.


Btw, marauders are even strong enough to kill a guarded healer+tank combo in a 1v2 fight IF the tank doesn't taunt you and if you use your exp buff and medpacks (I know this becuz I killed a guarded Commando healer + Vanguard combo in Ilum Central Assault and 5 minutes later, I killed the same Commando healer + a Jedi Shadow combo, both fights were 1v2)


Just l2p you class and learn the abilites of the other classes.

Edited by WokeSmeed
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A marauder with half his cds up shouldnt lose against any class, any spec from a 1v1 point of view(that's an exaggeration,but this class is awesome for dueling). Especially and mainly if ANNI specced. Edited by atreyuz
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