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New it would come to this Bioware


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Going for the tank first isn't the best way to deal with it. If everyone is attacking the tank, the healer will keep him up, especially if there is another tank that taunts. Pound the crap out of the healer and split the two of them up, pull the tank one way, push the healer the other and the healer will get lolpwned.


I love how all the post ridicule this guy, yet the post above is the best answer. However, i love how simple he made that sound . It may be easy to temporarily seperate them out of the guard range, but keeping them apart would be very difficult. I myself will acknowledge the guy has a point. It will be interesting if this catches on to learn how to prevent/defend against it. However i dont think guard will need be nerfed or at least i hope not, because i want to try this, just got my taunt skill today on my tank alt.

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Focus on the healer the tank will die of damage transfer its that SIMPLE. Even a commando with heavy armor will kill his tank since his armor rating is actually lower than the tank's, who gets bonuses from bing in "tank mode". Happened to me as a healer - damage transfer killed my tank, did it to other healers - damage transfer killed the tank. You can also separate them it's not that hard.
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Focus on the healer the tank will die of damage transfer its that SIMPLE. Even a commando with heavy armor will kill his tank since his armor rating is actually lower than the tank's, who gets bonuses from bing in "tank mode". Happened to me as a healer - damage transfer killed my tank, did it to other healers - damage transfer killed the tank. You can also separate them it's not that hard.


You are forgetting about a second tank and his ability to taunt reducing all damage by 80%. Its not as simple as your making it sound, i want to agree with you, but i feel i need to test it first.

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Most effective Counter to Healer/Tank combo is....


Scoundrel/Op Merc/Commando combo.


Basically Commando/Merc gets in the middle of them and seperates them with knockback and quickly stuns the Tank, Scoundrel/Op opens on the Healer and stunlocks them while they both plow the healer down (now out of Guard range) then they both turn there attentions on the tank.




Scoundrel/Op keeps stunning and interupting the healer and Commando/Merc kills the tank....gg

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In other words, if you have a tank guarding a healer and then a tank guarding another tank, hell even a third tank guarding the second tank. Now you have three tanks and a healer and 3 taunts that can reduce dmg by 80% to all but themselves. How would that play out. Im to lazy to do the math, but i would like to make a premade and see how it works out. Also dont forget they could change the target they are guarding. How you going seperate 3 tanks from the healer and DPS through the 80% dmg reduction taunts? Edited by Ofeogeous
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Next time , if you dont waste so much time giving dmg instead of doing the wz objectives , maybe you actually win.


quoted for emphasis


To be quite honest just running about as a solo tank and tossing up guard and using taunts in a pug fashion is enough to confound most players.


SWTOR pvp is more complex than it seems at first glance. By a mile or two.


As far as racking up high #'s, anyone can do that.


As far as winning your share of games there are three things that matter.


1. objectives

2. objectives

3. objectives



Edited by mclxviii
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