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I'm a level 42 Shadow with 31/0/2 spec. Can't beat him I can get him down to about a 1/3rd health, but can't finish him. I am up to date with all my mods in my gear and I pop every defensive buff I have, but can't take him out. I have tried with both Nadia and Tharan. With Tharan, it's even worse cause he constantly out heals my damage. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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I find Stark and the last boss are the most enjoyable boss fight in the Jedi Consular storyline. I soloed them both and basically had to be on the ball with rotating my CC and interupts. I used Tharan. Time your interupts with Tharan, he will use Holiday to interupt Stark when he can and you should be able to stop almost anything he cass.
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You have to have to line of sight him by running around the boxes. Use Tharan because holiday tends to interrupt his heal. He only has three real things to worry about interrupting, the heal he casts on himself (must interrupt or stun), the project storm and the Disturbance. Keep him dotted and force slowed while you sprint out of line of sight but gotta stop his heal.
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Hate to dig up this old thing


But seriously.. this guy healspams like there's no tomorrow.

He's got 2 heals.

firstly one with a 9s cooldown, does damage and converts to hp.

second one with a 12s cooldown, heals about 20% of his hp.


After 5 attempts with nadia(like you're supposed to), then qyzen fore another 5. i give up, cant get him below 25% hp. Guess im just stuck and broke with that.

Too bad since i was finally starting to like the consular quest. Partly..

I find the jedi order in this old republic poorly written. Too heavy on the zealot part, too light on the deeper stuff

But i'll try something else then. like my smuggler or trooper.

Edited by Roeg
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Best boss I've fought so far, "hard" enough to make it challenging but easy enough to beat when you know what you're doing. Beat him at 43 using Nadia, Balance Sage myself. (Also beat him at 40 earlier, but had to use Tharan). Don't try at 39, hardly any interupt or dmg lands ;)


Thing with his heals is that he only really starts to spam them when below 50% health. Does cast them before, but not that often. And when he heals, he doesnt do any dmg - interupt near end of his casts if possible. He also doesn't have that much hp.


What I did, put Nadia on follow and dotted Stark, LoSing and kiting him around for a while. Didn't use interupts much, healed myself when possible, mainly building threat. Eventually he was near 50%, at which point I sent Nadia to attack and started to push dmg myself as well - with all interupts available. I LoSed his attacks couple of times, but mainly kept pushing dmg and interupting heals. He dropped before I did, Nadia hardly took any dmg.

Edited by Freor
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Im just a casual player. Guess im not pro enough to play this game or complete the storyline, that i wasted a month slaving through. No offence, but these kind of fights should be in sidequests.

I had no problem with any of the other boss fights(except vivicar, but that was fine). I do know how to use my mind sap/force stun plus heroic moment.

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Remember force wave as well, that works as an interupt too. As does force lift, just break it immediately. And don't worry about being casual, it doesn't make you worse player, things just take longer. You can beat Stark, it just takes some practise. I died 5 times on my first toon :)


Try fighting near the room where he is, use the door and/or boxes to LoS his attacks, specially when he starts to cast that multi-rock thing. Never stand in the aoe ("The force in balance" if i remember right). Try with Tharan also, Holiday provides an extra interupt as well.

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Loads more reading on Stark here.


I'm also a casual player, but only got wiped once. My successful battle was won despite having issues with pulling actions off my quick bar, which had come unlocked for some reason or other. So there I was, LoSing Stark, trying to remember which actions went where in the heat of battle, and keeping Tharen alive. Was a bit of a gong show. But, I over leveled him a fair bit too, which really helps (beating him put me at 47).

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Not sure what to say here I died first time cos I tried to use nadia so I pulled her out used tharan with a kinetic 23 /0 / everything else for upheaval spec and it was a breeze. Had to interrupt alot and it was a longish fight but as long as you interrupt and keep on controling him I was level 40 I think. As I said wasn't really easy but wasn't hard either. Just make sure your in combat spec and rotate your cool downs. Hope that helps. Also I am infiltration spec normally but the hybrid spec I mentioned is easy mode for pve, great tank good damage and with tharan your health never goes under 50 percent. No matter what I fight.
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List of CC:


1.) Mind Snap: Primary tool, off the global cooldown, use it when it's up.


2.) Force Stun: Instant CC, use if Mind snap is on cooldown.


3.) Channel the Force: Does a lot of great stuff and resets the cooldown on Force Stun. Use it to reset Force Stun when on cooldown.


4.) Force Wave: The knockback breaks casting. Make sure you have enough force to cast it.


5.) Force Lift: Breaks casting but needs to be timed early enough to allow for long cast time.




Infiltration: Low slash, works great.


Balance: Instant Force Lift, works great.


Kinetic: Spinning Kick, works great. Also has Force Pull, breaks casting but has a minimum range, so make sure to know in advance when you are going to use it.


6.) Resilience: Doesn't break casting, but allows a Shadow to absorb one spell if timed right; something to keep in mind.


LAST NOTE: If you are still having trouble running out of CC, make sure you always let Theran's CC last the entire time, this will prolong the fight, but give your cooldowns longer to reset and help Theran's healing cooldowns.

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After having yet another 5 attempts at this guy Stark, i noticed the problem here. Guess i should have before

He's bugged. He can spam benevolence without CD, 2-3 in a row.


It seems to happen, when you dont pull him around much. Which i don't, since im a sage(i use a tank companion). Cant find a way to keep my tank alive and stop the endless heals at the same time.

Best so far was down to about 15%, then i had to heal qyzen. After that Stark was back to 50%+, and we slowly died. Once again..


Thanks fore all the tips and tricks, been trying some of them ofc.

For now, i burnt out on this game. the consular story killed me. this thing just finished the job.

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After having yet another 5 attempts at this guy Stark, i noticed the problem here. Guess i should have before


Thanks fore all the tips and tricks, been trying some of them ofc.

For now, i burnt out on this game. the consular story killed me. this thing just finished the job.


Which is why, I suggest you bring a friend. I don't care how you feel about quote - "The class story line is supposed to be and is touted as being soloable" - end quote which makes people mad when I suggest it...if its frustrating bring some help along and just hammer down that annoying nail. Once the problem is gone...hey look no more annoying problem.

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Took me three tries to kill Stark. I just had to kite him a bit while Nadia kept wailing on him. Try exploring the room and see where you can make a non-LoS circle. Or, if you can't find a way to make that happen, use the walls and doorway for a non-LoS half-circle.
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  • 1 year later...

I'm sorry not sure if I believe anyone out there who says they defeated this guy at level 40.

I was a Consular Sage at level 44 and died several times (at least 12 times). Leveled up to 45 and got better gear and died another 5 times (Nadia, Sargent Irsso, Qyzen, Theron) tried them all and all the suggestions (interrupts, LoS, Stims) and I was unable to defeat this guy.


I mean I don't want an easy battle but common, my companion would die (cause I couldn't heal fast enough) and shortly thereafter I would go since (I wasn't suppose to worry about his attacks - yeah right).


Finally, I got a Level 50 Commando with me and we took him out. Even then it wasn't an immediate thing. We just pounded on him and I kept interrupting until he died (freaking bastard).


Finally Nadia killed him (why didn't she just do that in the battle?) good riddance Stark!

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After having yet another 5 attempts at this guy Stark, i noticed the problem here. Guess i

Thanks fore all the tips and tricks, been trying some of them ofc.

For now, i burnt out on this game. the consular story killed me. this thing just finished the job.


By the way I have to agree with you the Consular Sage is the worst of them all. Knights don't seem to struggle as much and neither do Smugglers or Commandos. The Consular Sage storyline is the one I have enjoyed the least.


1st you are like a Jedi Psychologist or Psychiatrist fixing all the weird Jedi Masters

2nd you have to struggle through battles

3rd the Heals never seem to be that great (Level 45 and my heals are only from Benevolence are only 876 - 986?)

The fun things I've done is gone back and do some of the Heroic 4 or 2 on lower levels.


Don't get me wrong I love the game the Consular is the least favorite of my characters. I love the smuggler that's the best.

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By the way I have to agree with you the Consular Sage is the worst of them all. Knights don't seem to struggle as much and neither do Smugglers or Commandos. The Consular Sage storyline is the one I have enjoyed the least.


1st you are like a Jedi Psychologist or Psychiatrist fixing all the weird Jedi Masters

2nd you have to struggle through battles

3rd the Heals never seem to be that great (Level 45 and my heals are only from Benevolence are only 876 - 986?)

The fun things I've done is gone back and do some of the Heroic 4 or 2 on lower levels.


Don't get me wrong I love the game the Consular is the least favorite of my characters. I love the smuggler that's the best.


There's definately different strokes for different folks. I've killed stark twice with a sage and then a kinetic combat tank. I honestly don't remember much about this fight except that it was a challenge but also eminently doable.


I love consular's but I get that they're not for everyone.

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There's definately different strokes for different folks. I've killed stark twice with a sage and then a kinetic combat tank. I honestly don't remember much about this fight except that it was a challenge but also eminently doable.


I love consular's but I get that they're not for everyone.


I'd love the Consular in the SWKOTOR games and I enjoy having the Force Power (that's the whole point of being a Jedi right?). I just didn't find the storyline very exciting and perhaps I don't know how to use the Consular Sage class in this game.


I seem to have no issues with the Smuggler, Jedi Knight or the Commando. Sure, I've encountered some difficutl situations died in a few Boss battles but not like I have with my Counsular. Usually with any of my other characters after at the 3rd try I either figured the stratgey or have muscled my way through with Stims.


I do have a friend who's a Jedi Sage and he didn't have issues with Stark but he was a level 48 or 49 by the time he tackled Stark (he does every mission on every planet and the bonus missions). He's a level 50 and he's still doing the Voss Storyline.

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