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Cooldown bar is FINE


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So i'm reading all this complaining while I'm at work, and it was bumming me out. I like this game, but it is buggy as a southern night, and lacks some serious polish.


Ok, meh it needs work.


But if they go so far in the wrong direction, as has been stated ad nauseum today, it might really bum me out.


So, after having used it I really don't see what all the fuss is about. The only thing I can think is perhaps you people that don't like it have a lot of latency or something? No clue, works dandy for me on my 50 Sorc healer and my 32 Commando DPS.


Yeah, I've seen most if not all of the complaints today and I guess these things aren't affecting my bar or something. /shrug

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If they removed it for gcd and made it just for things that are on cd or you don't have enough resources for it would be fine. It doesn't bother me personally, but I can see where there could be an issue. It was a nice try at adding something new, but it does need changed. Edited by rfcsoulja
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As a Sith Jug - its not really easy to tell what you have rage for by directly looking at the bars (of course you can look at the bar under your health but sometimes its just easier when your looking at the abilities themselves for CD's ect)


Little bit easier to tell whats on CD/not - all they needed to do was put a timer on it displaying how longs left :|

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It blows chunks for rage based classes because it gives no indication of whether you have enough rage to use the ability or range....UNTIL after the GCD ends. So basically you have to wait an extra half second to see if the ability meets all the conditions of using it before you use it. If you aren't using an ability right as every GCD ends (under normal conditions)....you're bad, and this new system makes that damn near impossible for a class whose resources are completely inconsistent.



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